Archive for April, 2013


April 26, 2013–Spiritualism-and-the-Soul-.html?soid=1108300139990&aid=FIxUcTE5JaM.


April 19, 2013–Earth-Day-.html?soid=1108300139990&aid=3X0n4OG7BLg.

Talking To The Jews Raised In Caves During WWII

April 15, 2013

Talking To The Jews Raised In Caves During WWII –

Is It Possible To Prove The Existence Of The Soul?

April 15, 2013

Is It Possible To Prove The Existence Of The Soul? –

Is The Bible The Word Of God?

April 12, 2013

Is The Bible The Word Of God? –

Origins And Questions Of Character Education

April 12, 2013

Origins And Questions Of Character Education –

CCL-Insights 4-12-2013

April 12, 2013–Baseball-.html?soid=1108300139990&aid=WhsAAGYW1fg.

Sacred Times

April 7, 2013

Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

April 2013 

What you will find in this months issue of the Sacred Times

Presidents Message – Rev. Sandy Clark


UCM Annual Meeting – May 18, 2013

Learning – Rev. Eve Wilson

A Spiritual Tool: Sending Love – Min. Maryellen DeVine

Book of the Month –

Classes and Events – UCM Members and Charters

Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

Please join me in thanking Reverend Felecia Mulvany for the creation, and dedication to, the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter. She started the newsletter in December 2011 on the request of a few of our members. She has put a lot of time, energy, and love into the newsletter in an effort to support our members and our community.

This will be the last newsletter edited by Reverend Mulvany. Currently, we do not have someone to fill the role as editor, until we do the Sacred Times publication is suspended.

If you are interested in volunteering to be the new editor of the Sacred Times, please contact me at 408-370-6519 or

With Light and Love,

UCM Annual MeetingDate:   May 18, 2013

Time:   1:00PM Guest Speaker – Ceremonies

2:00PM Business Meeting

Silent Auction Fundraiser

Location: 1460 Koll Circle Suite C, San Jose California

Please join us for our Annual Meeting on May 18, 2013, held at the Center for Creative Living, UCM Church Charter #801 held by Reverend Doti Boon.

We begin at 1:00PM with a guest speaker, the topic of ceremonies, followed by our business meeting at 2:00PM.

There will be a silent auction fundraiser that includes items such as gift certificates for restaurants, theme parks, healings, readings, and so much more. If you have any goods or services you wish to donate for the auction, please get them to UCM Headquarters, 1361 S. Winchester Blvd #115, San Jose CA 95128, by Friday May 3rd. All donations are tax deductable.

We hope to see you there!

Learning by Eve WilsonRev Eve Wilson Oct 2012

Reprinted with permission from Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine

Outside my second story window is the beginnings of a robins nest. The young pair of robins are busy carrying last year’s dry lily leaves and other carefully chosen items to the crook of my tiny maple tree. With each new addition the mother- to- be lays her belly down and snuggles the nesting material into the shape of a nest, turns a bit and does the same again in each direction. The young parents seem very happy with this spot directly above my bird bath and feeder. The problem they seem to be missing is the large amount of traffic to this area for those same accoutrements by other birds. I am particularly concerned about the starlings who I am confident would find robin eggs a treat.

Watching these blindly confident young parents I was reminded of the way that each of us has to learn from our experiences. I thought about how God allows us to do that, confident that next time the opportunity arises we will be wiser in our choices and learn some deep lessons along the way. I am certain that the next brood these robins have will be placed in a safer spot.

This made me think of a new mother I recently met. She was so greatly overwhelmed by the need to be perfect for her child and everyone else that she couldn’t conceive of a few minutes a day to just relax and care for her own emotional needs. I have observed this tendency a lot in recent generations of parents who want so badly to be better parents than the previous generations or as good as those they had. Popular psychology has placed the blame for the problems of individuals on their parents. Sometimes that is the case, but mostly it is the children’s own soul contracts which define their experience of life. Parents may blame their selves or try too hard feeling that their child’s success is all about their parenting. Carried to an extreme these attitudes encourage parents to neglect their own needs which can create an imbalance of another sort.

Like the robin, children have to learn from their experiences. They need to think for their selves, choose and make mistakes for their selves. Failing, they will of necessity learn to go within and find the motivation and will power to succeed for their selves. No one can do these things them. If we allow others to drive our lives we never learn to drive them for ourselves. Truly, it is easier to control or push our children then to watch them struggle to find their own motivation, will power and courage, and it takes a greater amount of trust. It is less frustrating to do for our children than to wait for them to do for their selves, or to sit by while they leave things undone. But if we do everything for them, we become slaves to our children. Parents teach by example and the stress of trying to hyper-parent, teaches a fearful, overwhelmed, and imbalanced way of life. It may make them not want to grow up to live that level of hyper-responsibility they see in their parents.

To model life for your children, learn to live a life that your children will long to experience for their selves. This is an endeavor that will reward everyone!

Let your children observe your learning process and how you problem solve. Let them see you take time for yourself and enjoy relaxing and being alive and whole. This will help them learn to solve their own problems, relax into their own life, find joy and wholeness. They will need unstructured time to choose their direction and find their motivation; time to make poor decisions and learn for their selves what they really want and what will work for them. The greatest level of vigilance will not prevent circumstances which are pre-determined to occur for your child. They have a destiny which is not in your control.

Like the robin, children will learn from their experience and will succeed because they have tried and failed and are encouraged to see that as OK. Failure is a step toward success and a necessary part of learning. God knows this and has allowed a couple of generations to try hyper-parenting in an attempt to create happy and whole people. If you have gone to this extreme, it is OK to change your approach and find more balance. There is no time like the present and no blame for trying to the best of your ability, and then choosing a different, more balanced approach.

One of my favorite meditations is to see life as God’s river. I surrender into the flow of life and release all the hard things (metaphorically the rocks in the river that create turbulence and rapids) to God. When traveling down a river, there is always a current that flows deep through the rocky places and will carry you safely through, but if you try to grab hold of the rocks you will get beat up by them. Trust the flow of life’s river and surrender the rocks, or the hard things to God. When you do, you’ll find there is a way through the hard and dangerous places that is safe and amazingly smooth.

As you wake up in the morning and step out of bed, step into God’s river and release all your objectives and agendas into God’s care. Ask God to help you find a way to accomplish with grace, power and ease all that is important today and to let go and trust that whatever doesn’t get done is really not important at this time.

Spend your day in the flow of God’s river. The world is changing so fast right now. If you try to control things you will feel frustrated and stressed out. You can trust God’s river to take you to the perfect place for you.

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live Skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

A Spiritual Tool: Sending LoveBy Min. Maryellen De VineMin Maryellen DeVine

When we’re on a spiritual path, we want to think that we are only about Love and Light (right?) And we probably are for the most part. However, we all have times when we feel our “human-ness”. We face challenging situations, have arguments, lose our cool with our kids, or just have a plain old bad day. This is just part of the “spiritual beings having a human experience” thing.

But we have a powerful spiritual tool available to us at all times to help smooth out these tricky times. And it’s so simple, yet not always easy to remember.

We can just Send Love.

Perhaps you and a loved one aren’t seeing eye to eye lately. Perhaps you’re dealing with a difficult boss or client. Perhaps you’ve been worrying about the outcome of a particular situation (especially when you feel you have no control over the outcome). Or maybe you are beginning to put up some healthy boundaries for yourself, and others are having a hard time adjusting to them.

You can just send Love. Imagine Love swirling in your heart space and then imagine it flowing out to the other person. You can picture Love surrounding and infusing the situation or the relationship.

Sometimes we are too angry at the moment to muster up any actual feelings of Love, but you can always call upon the energy of Unconditional Love or ask your angels to flood each of you with Love. You’ll be amazed at the shift this simple thing can create. It may help you or the other person be more compassionate and understanding. It may soften the intense emotions. It may also help those involved see that the other’s behavior is coming from stress or fear, etc. It can be very healing.

It’s actually a great practice to do each day. Send Love to your loved ones, those you work with, people driving on the freeway, to different situations, places at war…you name it!

I have to remind myself of this tool at times, too. Just imagine this at my house (hopefully you’ll get a chuckle out of this):
3 teenage boys (attitudes!)
+ 1 menopausal mom (yikes, that’s me!)
= 1 volatile cocktail!

Definitely looking rather human instead of “angelic” and spiritual at times 🙂 Gotta keep on sending (and receiving) the Love!

Sending lots of Love to you!

Min. Maryellen De Vine
Angelic Journeys
Angel Therapy Practitioner®
Tap into Your Soul’s Calling & Replenish Your Spirit Coach
Angelic EFT Practitioner

UCM Book of the Month


Illustrated World Religions, Rev Angela DeBry 2008

By Huston Smith

In the early 90’s, when I began to teach my credential program our then president, Reverend Lavona Stillman, recommended The World Religions, by Huston Smith. At that time I found his work on DVD form and used those for my in house classes. When students began to ask for a remote program I was fortunate to find the illustrated version.

Huston Smith was born May 31, 1919. He is one of the most admired religious studies scholars in the U.S. His work, The World’s Religions, is a classic and has sold over two million copies.

He was born in Soochow, China, to Methodist missionaries and spent his first 17 years there. He taught at the Universities of Colorado and Denver from 1944 to 1947, moved to Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, for the next 10 years, served as professor of Philosophy at MIT from 1958 to 1973. Smith then moved to Syracuse University, where he was Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion and Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Philosophy until his retirement in 1983.

The full link to his biography is at:

Huston Smith’s early life straddling the lines between the Asian culture and his parents Methodist faith allowed him to develop a truly unique and diverse world view of how each of us embraces, struggles with and defines our faith.

I would highly recommend any and all the works done by Huston Smith, this particular version combining text and a visual picture journey is my personal favorite.

Thank you,

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.

Universal Church of the Master

Dean of Education

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

 UCM Church Charters

Little Chapel Fallen Leaf Lake

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon, 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112, (408) – Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes. Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Peace Meditation – Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9:00PM

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes – 7:00 to 9:00PM, Please enter through the back door. Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both.
Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills, 303-288-0143, Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak, 3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714, 727-522-7133,http://www.templeofloveandhealing.usWorship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars, Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM, See website for full yoga schedule

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith, 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905, 607-722-5569, Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work



UCM Members

Classes and Events

Reverend Eve Wilson

April 24 – The Healer Development 101 – Intuition, Self Healing, Spiritual Boundaries and Protection, Clear Connections to Guides & Angels, Purifying Water, Healing Qabalah, Beginning Aura Reading, Chakra Tuning, Power Animals, More! 6 Wednesdays Start April 24, 7 – 9:30 PM. Attend live by phone, skype or in person. Rev. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,evew@spiritualhealers.com

Tuesdays beginning May – The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate Tuesdays 7 – 10 PM. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Much More. Attend live by phone, Skype or in person. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635, .

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM, An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM, Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112, Rev. April 408 289 9188

Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – gather 6:30pm cast circle 7pm, Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 408 289 9188, Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. What to bring: an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air. Beltane May 4, Summer Solstice/Litha June 23, Lammas Aug 3, Mabon/Fall Equinox Sept 2, Hallowmas Nov 2, Yule Dec 21

Goddess Spirituality Retreats – April 12-14 & Oct 4-6, $225- 275 includes food, lodging, and Ceremonies, RSVP April (408) 289-9188

Sabbat Celebrations and other Triple Goddess Rituals are facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical eco feminist Wisewoman. (408) 289-9188 oraprillussier@sbcglobal.net

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness. Calgary – New group starts April 13-14, 2013 Monterey, CA – New Healers Training started in March but you can still join this group! Level 1 & 2 Makeups on May 16, 2013. Level 3 & 4 training in June. San Diego, CA – June or September depending on demand

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

2013: Stepping Into the Light – A Mayan Wisdom Workshop

The purpose of this Workshop is the activation of our consciousness to bring forth a world community of balance, beauty, light, love, and harmony. Working with the Ancient Wisdom of the Maya, Miguel Angel Vergara will help us raise our consciousness through teachings, ceremonies, meditations, and specific practices, including how to use the energies of the Tzolkin and Haab Calendars.

The Mayan Calendars and Prophecies have important messages and information for us as we enter the Golden Age and pass through this time of great transformation. Join us for this special event! Calgary – July 4 – 8, 2013 & San Diego – July 11 – 15, 2013 All Inquiries please direct to: Deirdre Leighton call toll Free 1-877-242-5721 or E-mail:

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles – Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. For more information about Joy and her work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to her website or contact her for more information at


UCM Member Services

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.

Reverend Janna Jorne

Reverend Janna works with seniors, teaching them about the internet, computers and desktop publishing. She has several blogs dedicated to facilitating seniors in understanding ways through electronics to enhance the quality of their lives. Website. Addressing Seniors and baby boomers with other ways to create additional income for their senior years. Website. Assistance in an online business. Blog. Crossing the bridge from the old to the new including Christianity to a UCM Blog My walk in building an online business.
Reverend Elaine Henwood

StressFreed Counseling – Consulting, Coaching and Energy Healing is a one-on-one personal session to assist you in releasing stress and improving your life. It provides keys to unlock more potential by handling the source of stress that blocks balanced energy, health and creativity. The energy healing of Matrix Energetics Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 is also applied in sessions with clients. The sessions will be done on Skype or the phone. More information can be found on, or call 828-208-2805.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

 Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events.  See side bar for pricing. 


April 5, 2013–Buddhisim-.html?soid=1108300139990&aid=01ml6m92yqw.

CCL Calendar Updates, Thursday Classes

April 4, 2013
CCL’s Thursday Night Classes
April 4 & April 18, 2013

www.centerforcreativeliving-ucm.comCCL MeetupCCL Facebook

Both classes will be held at the Center for Creative Living

1460 Koll Circle Suite C   San Jose   95112   408-392-9090

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm     Please enter through the back door.

Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door

(both classes provide credit toward Ministerial Training)

Thursday, April 4“Introduction To Reiki Healing”with Reiki Master Regina Richmond


Reiki Master Regina Richmond will discuss the benefits of Reiki and how it can apply to your everyday life. She will discuss how she channels energy to help you heal. For the many CCL members who are already Reiki practitioners; Regina will talk about advanced uses of Reiki for you and others during those highly stressful, such as vacations, holidays, tests, job interviews, etc.


                                    Thursday, April 18               “Spiritual Unfoldment”                 with Rev. Doti Boon


Whether you are newly interested in subtle energies or have been working with them for a while Doti and her Spirit Guide MAH will help you progress more effectively on your personal spiritual path. Rev. Doti will help you lift the mystic veil and understand the fundamentals of spiritual unfoldment; by helping you function within the higher realms. Before you register, ask yourself if you are ready to step into this higher state of consciousness.

AbDoti California Paychicout Rev. Doti Boon:Reverend Doti Boon, the California Psychic, offers insight into a person’s future, present and past lives to provide direction and support. She has given readings to thousands who seek enlightenment. Her psychic counseling, warmth and sense of humor are appreciated by all.

Doti has been teaching beginning and advanced metaphysics, planned metaphysical trips, managed fund raising events and metaphysical fairs for the past 30 years. Doti is an author, a wonderful and intertaining speaker/lecturer, and has appeared on numerous radio and TV programs.