Archive for August, 2010

Writers wanted!

August 29, 2010

Hello all animal lovers and pet companions,

The Fall issue of the UCM Magazine will commence our “Animal Talk” column.

The deadline for submitting your article is September 1st, a topic might be: how your pet has inspired you, or how their love taught you something, or how their spirituality has impacted you, etc. Your story could also be a personal experience that you had with a wild animal on a vision quest or simply out in nature.

You do not have to be a member of UCM to submit an article. Articles need to be in Word Format, approximately 800 – 900 words. Pictures for the article should be sent separately; jpg is preferred but not mandatory. We also ask for a short bio of yourself and a picture if you would like. Submissions should be sent to: orhttp://

There is also ad space available. Prices are as follows: ¼ page $25.00, ½ page $50.00, ¾ page $75.00 and full page $100.00. Please send copy in digital format to the above emails

Our summer issue of the UCM Magazine is online. You can access our magazine by using the following link:


Universal Church of the Master

100 W Rincon #101

Campbell CA 95008


Joyful Noise

August 29, 2010

U.C.M. Newsletter of Joy, Humor, Laughter, and Inspiration

Editor: Rev. Doti Boon

Vol. 9 pg. 34 (08-26-10)


I am thankful for what God is giving me

and all of the miracles in my life – particularly my congregation, my friends, my children.


As a minister a thousand, thousand eyes watch me as I journey through my life, the eyes of my congregation, my children, and their children and their children’s children. I am not alone and my choices matter to them. Who I am and what I do is creating their world. Even when I am doing something strange or crazy!

When I hold this point of view in my heart, when I feel their eyes upon me, my life becomes large and profound. I cannot pretend the way I act, the choices I make or the things I say don’t matter. It all matters to these children of the future. It is their world I live for, not just my own in this moment.

It is not easy to live this way. I will not say it is. Every day, your busy life tries to grab you and keep you from caring.  We all feel the pulls of wanting to abandon our family congregation, letting go of helping the world, releasing all of the fund raising and spiritual activities you have started. You would like to have your life be just about you. Sometimes your mind tries to tell you, “Live for today. You only live once.” Often, in fact, these voices win, and I know many of you close your eyes to the consequences of your actions. It is then you stop listening to the children speaking through your heart. Do not punish yourself about these selfish moments anymore. They are part of who you are. Just keep remembering our children. They gift us with eyes on a future we shall never know.

I write to share this gift with you:  that when we look back from the future at what is really important to us, living for something bigger than ourselves will truly make us more of who we are.

From this perspective, the health of your body, the care of the earth, the counseling in your ministry, the love of your family, are not things you “should” do, but expressions of pure and beautiful love. There is no greater act of love than to care for who you really are and honor those you have chosen to be in your life.

Your children’s children will remember.


From Reader’s Digest

          I watched as a young girl was making faces at her sister in the park.

          “You know,” her mother, told her, “when I was little, your grandmother said that if I made faces it could stay like that.”

          The girl looked at her for a moment, and then said, “Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned.”

          When my three-year old brother threatened to drop a spider on our grandmother, she pleaded, “Don’t. That would scare me to death.”

          “That’s okay,” he said, “I have another grandma.


“I was attending a benefit and before the show began, I walked up to a man wearing fatigues. ‘I just want to thank you for your service to our country,’ I told him. He looked thoroughly confused, but I walked away knowing I’d done the right thing. Later, when my soldier took the stage along with a police officer, a construction worker, and a Native American, it dawned on me why he’d had a puzzled expression – I had thanked a member of the Village People.”

          Karen Kaplowitz – from the Reader’s Digest

Center for Creative Living

August 29, 2010

All are welcome to Sunday Celebrations at the Center for Creative Living, UCM Charter #801, at 1460 Koll Circle, Suite “C” – services in back. Need directions? Call (408) 392-9090 or visit  Sunday Celebration is from 10:00 to 11:30am.  Dress is casual and Kids are welcome. Spiritual energies, food, hugs and music are lovingly available!

Join this Sunday as we “Celebrate Life!” We have Rev. Doti doing the service, the CCL Choir singing, Rev. Maria Vera and Cindy Silveria’s birthday and many other lovely Virgos enjoying a new year. Also, Ronnie and Kevin celebrating their anniversary!  Bring your positive energies, spiritual excitement and sense of imagination as we indulge ourselves in fun, happiness, joy and some good food!


Thursday Sept. 2nd 7pm to 9pm $15. or 2 for $25.

Open to the Public and for Licentiate Ministerial Credit

“Sacred Clearing” with Dr. Ayleen Augustine D.C., C.M.T., Reiki Practitioner

In the process of working with others, we are integrally connected to many energetic fields. Negativity in any form can be damaging to the human energy field (aura). Fear, anger, depression, negative people/places, arguments and more actually create negative energy that can cling to you or build up in your home and cause problems over time. Sometimes it is necessary to protect ourselves. Spiritual Protection is something that everyone should and can know how to do.

In this class, we will explore different traditions and practices that provide energetic shielding for your self, loved ones, pets, even your house and car!

Dr. Ayleen at 408-313-7641 or,,

Center Happenings

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday 10am to 11:30. Go to for more information on upcoming events.

Sat. Aug. 28th, 3:00 to 8:00, Retreat/B-day party and Dinner

For those with over 15 CCL points – a Free Outing

others $15. advance or $20. at the door.

Theme is “CELEBRATION.”  Come dressed representing your favorite spiritual or national holiday. For example, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Halloween, Yule, Flag Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Gay Pride, etc. Prizes for best theme costume! Join us for swimming, Spiral Dance, BINGO, Shuffleboard, Karaoke and more games! Recreation Hall at South Bay Mobile Home Park, 1350 Oakland Road, San Jose 95112. Park across the street. Call for directions – 408) 392-9090 or (408) 220-5780

          Corry’s Culinary Creations will be serving a fabulous dinner of Ribs, pasta salad, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, rolls, appetizers, iced tea, coffee, desserts, including Doti’s favorite Birthday cake!  PLEASE R.S.V.P. so Corry will know how many ribs to prepare!

Tues. Aug. 31st, 6:30 to 8:30 DRUMMING CIRCLE with Norbeth, Ayleen and friends. Join us with your drum or play one of ours for fun and spiritual energies.

Sun. Sept. 5th Sunday Celebration:  Join the fantastic, exciting and funny Scout Bartlett as he discusses “There is Nothing Enlightened About Shrinking:  Limiting the Expression of You.” For more info go to or contact Scout at

Tues. Sept. 7th 6:30 to 8:30 DRUMMING CIRCLE with Norbeth, Ayleen and friends. Join us with your drum or play one of ours for fun and spiritual energies.

Wed. Sept. 8th 7:00 to 9:00 Co-Ed Goddess Workshop with Rev. Anne Corbin and Rev. April Lussier. Donation

Have a nice day, unless you already have other plans. Whatever you observe, watch or enjoy – know that Bliss is the ultimate spiritual celebration.

Love and Light,

Rev. Doti Boon

‘When You’re Down to Nothing God is Up to Something!’

P S from Reverend Clark:

August 29, 2010

September 1st is quickly approaching and that is the deadline for articles to be submitted for the next issue of our online magazine. Our Fall Issue will be focused on the practical application of spirituality in your everyday life. You do not have to be a member of UCM to submit an article. Articles need to be in Word Format, approximately 800 – 900 words. Pictures for the article should be sent separately; jpg is preferred but not mandatory. We also ask for a short bio of yourself and a picture if you would like. Submissions should be sent to: or

There is also ad space available. Prices are as follows: ¼ page $25.00, ½ page $50.00, ¾ page $75.00 and full page $100.00. Please send copy in digital format to the above emails.

Our summer issue of the UCM Magazine is online. You can access our magazine by using the following link


If the link is not working you can also access our magazine by going to our website and click on the magazine cover on our home page. Enjoy! We ask that you subscribe, there is no charge, and it helps us get more recognition. 

We are part of the Associate Program offered by

This means when you enter their website through ours, UCM receives a commission on your purchases. Should you need to leave the website before completing your purchase you need to again go through our web site for us to receive the commission.

The Joyful Noise Newsletter is sent directly from our UCM office. If you would like to forward this email to friends and/or family, please do so. For those of you who are not on our “Joyful Noise” email list and would like to receive this directly from us, there is a subscribe link below, or you can subscribe on our website at Select Contact Us, Newsletter.

Submission for A Joyful Noise can be made to http://Safedoti@aol.comorhttp://

Universal Church of the Master

100 W. Rincon Ave. #101

Campbell, CA 95008


Fax 408.370.6591

Joyful Noise

August 20, 2010

U.C.M. Newsletter of Joy, Humor, Laughter, and Inspiration


Editor: Rev. Doti Boon

Vol. 9 pg. 33 (08-19-10)


I am thankful for what God is giving me
and all of the miracles in my life.

Simple Gratitude

It happened every Friday evening, almost without fail. Old Ed would stroll along the beach to his favorite pier. Clutched in his bony hand was a bucket of shrimp. Ed walked out to the end of the pier, where it seemed he had the world to himself, the glow of the sun a golden bronze as it dipped into the Atlantic.

Standing on the end of the pier, Ed is alone with his thoughts and his bucket of shrimp.

Shortly he is no longer alone. Up in the sky a thousand white dots come screeching and squawking their way toward the lanky frame on the end of the pier.

Dozens of seagulls circle him; their wings flutter and flap wildly. Ed stands there tossing shrimp to the hungry birds. If you listen closely, you can hear him say with a smile, ‘Thank you.” Thank you.”

In a few short minutes the bucket is empty. But Ed doesn’t leave. He stands there lost in thought, as though transported to another time and place.

When he begins to walk back toward the beach, a few birds hop along the pier with him until he gets to the wooden stairs, and then they too fly away. Old Ed quietly makes his way down to the end of the beach and on home.

If you were there on the pier with your fishing line in the water, Ed might seem like ‘a funny old duck,’ as my dad used to say. Or, ‘a guy that’s a sandwich shy of a picnic,’ as my kids might say. To onlookers, he’s just another old codger, lost in his own world, feeding the seagulls with a bucket full of shrimp.

Rituals can look very strange or very empty. They can seem altogether unimportant…maybe even a lot of nonsense.

Old folks often do strange things, at least in the eyes of Boomers and Busters.

Most would probably write Old Ed off, down there in Florida. That’s too bad. They’d do well to know him better.

His full name: Eddie Rickenbacker. He was a famous hero back in World War I and II, earning the Medal of Honor during WW I.

During WW II, he carried out special assignments for Henry Stimson, the Secretary of War. In October, 1942, he was the oldest member of the crew as he flew a B-17, on a mission to help General Douglas MacArthur. His plane crashed into the Pacific. Miraculously, all the men survived and climbed into a life raft.

Captain Rickenbacker and his crew floated for days on the rough waters. They fought the sun. They battled sharks. Most of all, they wrestled with hunger. By the eighth day their rations ran out. No food! No water! They were hundreds of miles from land and no one knew where they were.

They needed a miracle. That afternoon they decided to do a simple devotional service and prayed for a miracle. Eddie leaned back and pulled his military cap over his nose.

Time dragged. All he heard was the slap of the waves against the raft.

Suddenly, something landed on the top of his cap. It was a seagull! Old Ed would later describe how he sat perfectly still, planning his next move. With a flash of his hand and a squawk from the gull, he managed to grab it and wring its neck. He tore the feathers off, and the starving crew made a meal – a very slight meal for eight men. Then they used the intestines for bait. With it, they caught fish, which gave them food and more bait…and the cycle continued. They were able to endure the rigors of the sea until they were found and rescued (after 24 days at sea).

Eddie Rickenbacker lived many years beyond that ordeal, but he never forgot the sacrifice of that first lifesaving seagull. And he never stopped saying, “Thank you.” That’s why almost every Friday night he would walk to the end of the pier with a bucket full of shrimp and a heart full of gratitude.

Reference: (Max Lucado, In The Eye of the Storm, pp. 221, 225-226)

PS: Eddie started Eastern Airlines. He died in 1973


Some Delightful Jokes

A temporary Sunday School teacher was struggling to open a combination lock on the supply cabinet. She had been told the combination, but couldn’t quite remember.  Finally, she went to the pastor’s study and asked for help.

The pastor came into the room and began to turn the dial. After the first two numbers he paused and stared blankly for a moment, and then he looked serenely heavenward while his lips moved silently. Suddenly he looked back at the lock and quickly turned to the final number, opening the lock.

The teacher was amazed.  “I’m in awe at your faith, pastor,” she said.

“It’s really nothing,” the pastor answered. “The number is on a piece of tape on the ceiling.”


A minister, while opening his mail one morning, discovered in one envelope a letter with only one word written inside: “FOOL.”

The next Sunday he announced, “I have known many people who have written letters and forgot to sign their name. However, this week I received a letter from someone who signed his name but forgot to write the letter.”


My minister was making a wooden trellis to support a climbing vine. As he was pounding away, he noticed that a little boy was watching him.  The youngster didn’t say a word, so the preacher kept on working, thinking the boy would leave.

However, the little boy didn’t leave.  Pleased at the thought that his work was being admired, the pastor finally said, “Well, son, trying to pick up some pointers on gardening?”

“No,” the little boy replied.  “I’m just waiting to hear what a preacher says when he hits his thumb with a hammer.”


“Do you believe in life after death?” a boss asked one of his younger employees.

“Yes sir.”

“Well then, I guess that makes everything okay,” the boss said, “because about an hour after you left yesterday to go to your grandfather’s funeral, he stopped in to see you.”


A church was preparing for Christmas services, and the pastor decided he wanted a banner made for the entryway.  The job was promptly delegated to a church member.

The member called the banner company and told the man on the phone the banner lettering he wanted and the dimensions needed for the entryway.

A few days later the sign arrived, with the following lettering: “Unto Mary Jesus was born, six feet long and two feet wide”.


Coming out of church recently, Mrs. Smith asked her husband, “Do you think that Johnson girl is tinting her hair?”

“I didn’t notice,” admitted Mr. Smith.

“And that dress Mrs. Davis was wearing,” continued Mrs. Smith, “Really, don’t tell me you think that’s the proper outfit for a mother of two.”

“I’m afraid I didn’t notice that either,” said Mr. Smith.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” snapped Mrs. Smith. “A lot of good it does you to go to church!”


An old miser at last went to his reward and presented himself at the Pearly Gates.

St. Peter greeted him with appropriate jubilation and escorted him to his new abode. Walking past numerous elegant mansions they finally arrived at a dilapidated old shack at the end of the street.

The old miser, much taken aback, asked, “Why am I left with a rundown shack when all of these others have fine mansions?”

“Well, sir,” replied St. Peter, “we did the best we could with the money you sent us.”


A devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range. Three weeks later a cow walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth.

The cowboy couldn’t believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the cow’s mouth, raised his eyes heavenward, and exclaimed, “It’s a miracle!”

“Not really,” said the cow. “Your name is written inside the cover.”

UCM August 2010 Astrology

August 20, 2010

So what is happening astrologically in August 2010?

All time indicated are for Pacific Daylight Time.

*Note:  My Sacred Retreat for women is on the weekend of Oct 29-31.

See info at the end of the blog. 

Here are the Astrological basics:

Sun goes into Virgo at 10:27pm on August 22nd. 


  • New Moon – Monday, August 9th at 17 Leo at 8:08pm
  • Full Moon – Tuesday, August 24th at 1 degrees Pisces at 10:05am. 

Mercury starts August at 06 degrees of Virgo

  • Goes Stationary retrograde on August 20th at 19 degrees of Virgo

(good time to do detail work you have put off.)

  • Ends the month at 13 degrees of Virgo
  • Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgo and Gemini. S/he (Mercury is androgynous) loves being at home in Virgo, preferably in the garden.

Venus starts August at 25 degrees of Virgo

  • Goes into Libra on August 06th at 8:48pm
  • Ends the month at 24 degrees of Libra
  • Venus is the ruling planet of Libra and Taurus.  She loves being in her own sign.

Mars starts August at 02 degrees of Libra.

  • Ends the month at 21 degrees of Libra.
  • Mars is in detriment when in Libra. He dislikes being in Libra. Think of a battle field General having to talk to diplomats.

Jupiter starts August at 03 Aries Retrograde

  • Ends the month at 01 degrees of Aries Retrograde

Saturn starts August at 01 Libra

  • Ends the month at 04 degrees of Libra
  • Saturn is exalted in Libra.  Libra is not his sign, but to him, it is like visiting a four star hotel.

Uranus starts August at 00 degrees of Aries Retrograde

  • Goes back into Pisces on August 13th at 8:31pm
    • Ends the month at 29 Pisces

Neptune starts August at 28 Aquarius. Retrograde

  • End ends the month at 27 Aquarius. Retrograde

Pluto starts August at 03 Capricorn. Retrograde.

  • Ends the month retrograde at 03 Capricorn. Retrograde

Moons Mean Node start August at 10 Capricorn

August started off with a bang!  On August 6th, the Cardinal Grand Cross anchored into this dimension.

What is a Grand Cross?   It is when two planets are opposite of each other while being squared by two other planets that are also in opposition.

On the sixth, we had Pluto in Capricorn opposite the Moon in Cancer. They were squared by Saturn & Venus & Mars in Libra and Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. Wow!  How did that manifest for us?  Mother Earth is a wee bit….how shall I say it….pissed off!

As I have discussed in earlier blogs, the Cardinal mode is ACTION.  And action is what we have; from mud slides in China, the 25,000 fires burning in Russia, the floods in Pakistan and Africa….18 million people displaced….to the start of the second financial crash (October when Venus goes retrograde).

The Cardinal Cross is active until 2015. Yips! The old system is being dismantled so the new way of living can be born.  Birth is painful.  But when it is over and done with there is a mother and child asleep in each others arms.

On August 14th URANUS goes back into Pisces until March 10, 2011.  People born in the late degrees of the Mutable signs; Pisces(March15-20), Virgo( September 17-21), Sagittarius(16-20) and Gemini(15-20), will once again get extremely agitated and restless; like you were last March and April.

You will desperately want to change what you have…….slow down, think before you jump.  Have no doubt you will be another person after this is over.  Change and emotional roller coasters will occur.  Remember to live from your heart and to stay in integrity. 

Uranus energy is radical, eccentric, wild, ingenious, sudden change, basically it is Mr. Toads wild ride! 

One of the good things about Uranus going back into Pisces is that the bloody maniacs on the freeways will give way to the spaced out drivers.

Have you noticed how many people have been driving like there is testosterone instead of gas in their cars fuel tank?  OMG! Uranus in Aries.

On August 20 Mercury goes retrograde, Venus conjoins Mars and the Sun is opposite Neptune.

What a fun night for the movies, or cabaret scene.  Rent an old movie and snuggle with your sweetheart! The sexual energy will be running high as will people who are driving.  Have fun but be careful on the roads.

On August 21 Saturn squares Pluto.

The old boy world order will be in negotiations, running under the illusive cover of August 20ths Neptunian aspects.  For you Bilderberg watchers, this is a good day to sit in your blind.

For us little people, run ins with authority can happen.  The irritating things that the people you live with do will come to ahead. On the good side you will have the ability to attack that pile of paperwork that has started to take on a life of it own.

This month is not an easy one, more Earth shifts will happen as well as aggression.  Think Globally, Act Locally!  Get involved in your local city politics.  The change starts with you.

RETREAT:  My next Women’s retreat will be the weekend of October 29-31, in the Santa Cruz Mountains.

This is an intimate retreat for 13 women only!

This retreat is a time for women to connect with the Divine Feminine.

It is a time for women to explore their personal power and spirit.

We will create Sacred Ceremony invoking the Great Goddess.  We will also learn Spell work and candle Magick for manifestation. 

The veil between the worlds is the thinnest during Samhain/Halloween.  We will also honor our ancestors and those who have gone to the other side.

The retreat is located at Salamander Camp which is less than 10 minutes outside of Los Gatos in the Santa Cruz Mountains.  You never know you are near a city.


You will also have the opportunity to participate in arts and crafts, meditation, movement and dance, hiking, chanting, drumming- rattling, Sisterhood, self-care, Magick and quiet time.  .

Salamander Camp has three huge yurts; one is the kitchen, one for ceremonial work and one for sleeping (beds and futons). 

It has showers, complete kitchen, wood burning stoves for heat, composting toilets, electricity, hot tub, labyrinth, fairy grotto, hiking trails, and two old growth Redwoods.

This retreat is a retreat.  You will have lots of time to yourself: to walk in the forest, sit by the stream and mediate, read, journal, hot tub, or whatever your heart desires.

Picture yourself at night, floating in a redwood hot tub, gazing at thousands of stars as you smell the smell of the forest!  The only sound is the union of your breath and the breeze.  Ah!  I am there already! 

The price includes all your meals and lodging.  The meals are delicious and organic. Please tell me if you have any dietary restrictions so we can make you your own delicious food.

Arrival: Friday 2-5pm

Depart: Sunday 5 pm

(650) 572-8850

The cost is $250 for three days and two nights, if you pay in full prior to September 15th.

$275.00 is you pay in full from September 15t to October 15th.

$300 after October 15th.

Peace and Love, Elizabeth!  Until we meet…blessings to you!

Elizabeth A. Barton

CMT, Energy worker

Professional Astrologer

Vice President of the

San Francisco Astrological Society

2555 Flores Street, suite #300

San Mateo, Ca 94403

(650) 572-8850

For an astrological consultation call or E-mail me!

Gift Certificates available

To learn more about Traditional Western Astrology go to Deb Houldings superb website http://

To look for charts go to

A great astrology AP for your I-phone is by KT the Astrologer; formally Kelli Fox, the creator of  The free edition is better than the one you pay for.

Until we meet again in the blogosphere, may the Stars shine blessings on you!

Center for Creative Living

August 20, 2010

All are welcome to Sunday Celebrations at the Center for Creative Living, UCM Charter #801, at 1460 Koll Circle, Suite “C” – services in back. Need directions? Call (408) 392-9090 or visit  Sunday Celebration is from 10:00 to 11:30am. Dress is casual and Kids are welcome. Spiritual energies, food, hugs and music are lovingly available!

Join us this Sunday as the fantastic Rev. Paulette Grilli speaks on “How to Apply Basic Nursing Principles to Your Spiritual Health.”

Fantastic Media Sale on New and Used Metaphysical and healing books, Books on Tape and C.D.s


Thursday Aug. 19th 7pm to 9pm $15. or 2 for $25.
Open to the Public and for Licentiate Ministerial Credit

Affirmations, Visualization & Manifestation

For Your Personal and Spiritual Growth

Join us as we continue our investigation into Affirmation, Visualization & Manifestation and their potential and power in our daily life. Learn to write purposeful affirmations and manifest your heart’s desire.

Rev. Donna Zehner and Rev. Doti Boon are presenting invaluable information that can transform your life.

Saturday, Aug. 21st, 11 to 5pm, Treasure Maps–Power of YOU – Putting the Divine Power of YOU into Practice with Rev. Donna Zehner. Dynamic workshop creating and bringing your visions into reality…allowing you to build your own “Dream board + Treasure Map” combining affirmations for your dreams (visualizations) and goals (manifestations).

Please bring magazines to share and your own scissors. Thanks…see you on Saturday, Aug. 21st at 11am. $50.

Center Happenings

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday 10am to 11:30. Go to for more information on upcoming events.

Tues. Aug. 17th, 6:30 to 8:30 DRUMMING CIRCLE with Norbeth, Dr. Ayleen and friends. Join us with your drum or play one of ours for fun and spiritual energetics.

Special Event! Scott Huckabay – “Universal Guitarist”

Scott Huckabay – “Universal Guitarist for Spiritual Renaissance.” Sat., Aug. 21st, 7:30pm at CCL $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Call and make a reservation at (408) 392-9090 and it is only $20. at the door!

A guitar alchemist of the Gods, Scott Huckabay’s vibrational love melodies shine through invisible sound frequencies to create a sensory landscape of living bliss. You’ll be overcome by the sensation to dance and vocalize your own love vibration with the first pluck of his guitar or bow moved over a string. Described as Michael Hedges, Ravi Shankar and Jimi Hendrix rolled into one, each live performance Scott presents is a unique musical initiation to the newest dimension on the planet…

Sun. Aug. 22nd, 9:30 to 1pm.  FOR SALE!  New Metaphysical Books, Books on tape and CDs. Great buys!

Tues. Aug. 24th, 6:30 to 8:30, MEDITATION with Norbeth and Dr. Ayleen. Donations welcome.

Wed. Aug. 25th, Movie night cancelled, Pampered Chef Fundraiser, 7pm, CCL Pampered Chef Fundraiser.

Gather friends and family, for Cooking Show Fundraiser. Everyone who attends will be able to:

Try our innovative tools,

Learn to prepare impressive recipes quickly,

Enjoy the tasty results,

Relax and have fun!

People love Pampered Chef’s high-quality products.  There are great choices at every price level, so everyone can support our efforts to raise money for CCL.

Sat. Aug. 28th, 3:00 to 8:00, Retreat/B-day party and Dinner

For those with over 15 CCL points – a Free Outing

others $15. advance or $20. at the door.

Theme is “CELEBRATION.”  Come dressed representing your favorite spiritual or national holiday. For example, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Halloween, Yule, Flag Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Gay Pride, etc. Prizes for best theme costume! Join us for swimming, Spiral Dance, Shuffleboard, Karaoke and games! Recreation Hall at South Bay Mobile Home Park, 1350 Oakland Road, San Jose 95112. Park across the street. Call for directions – 408) 392-9090.

          Corry’s Culinary Creations will be serving a fabulous dinner of Ribs, pasta salad, baked beans, Cole slaw, potato salad, rolls, appetizers, iced tea, coffee, desserts, including Doti’s favorite Birthday cake!

Have a nice day, unless you already have other plans. Whatever you observe, watch or enjoy – know that Bliss is the ultimate spiritual celebration.

               Love and Light,

                Rev. Doti Boon

‘When You’re Down to Nothing God is Up to Something!’

P.S. Reverend Clark

August 20, 2010

We have baby doves in the nest! Last week it looked like mom was sitting differently in the nest, and on Monday I could see a fuzzy little head bobbing around. It is fascinating to me how quickly they grow. Fuzzy bobbing heads now are not quite so fuzzy or small and fuzz has developed into feathers. Our building neighbor Larry Allen graciously came over and took a picture for you all to see.


Thank you, Larry, for the new picture.

Believe it or not, another pair of Doves appears to be waiting to also use the nest so we may have more babies yet to come.

Our summer issue of the UCM Magazine is now online. You can access our magazine by using the following link, or go to our website and click on the magazine cover on our home page. Enjoy!


We ask that you subscribe, there is no charge, and it helps us get more recognition. We encourage you to send us your articles. The deadline for submitting articles for our next issue is September 1, 2010. Articles need to be in Word Format along with a bio and a jpg head shot picture, and sent to or

The Fall Issue will be focused on the practical application of spirituality in your everyday life. You do not have to be a member of UCM to submit an article. Articles should be approximately 800 – 900 words. Pictures for the article should be sent separately, jpeg is preferred but not mandatory. We also ask for a short bio of yourself and picture if you would like.

There is also ad space available. Prices are as follows: ¼ page $25.00, ½ page $50.00, ¾ page $75.00 and full page $100.00. Please send copy in digital format to the above emails.

We are part of the Associate Program offered by

This means when you enter their website through ours, UCM receives a commission on your purchases. Should you need to leave the website before completing your purchase you need to again go through our web site for us to receive the commission.

The Joyful Noise Newsletter is sent directly from our UCM office. If you would like to forward this email to friends and/or family, please do so. For those of you who are not on our “Joyful Noise” email list and would like to receive this directly from us, there is a subscribe link below, or you can subscribe on our website at Select Contact Us, Newsletter.

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Universal Church of the Master

100 W. Rincon Ave. #101

Campbell, CA 95008


Fax 408.370.6591

Joyful Noise

August 12, 2010

U.C.M. Newsletter

Filled with

Joy, Humor, Laughter, and Inspiration

Editor: Rev. Doti Boon

Vol. 9 pg. 32 (08-12-10)


I am a listening, loving, honoring spiritual being.

How many times have you felt yourself unable to connect, or understand someone else? Sometimes it is your failure to listen that keeps you separate. As ministers, counselors, friends and family it is important that we learn to listen with an open heart.

The Art of Listening

Hearing with an open heart by Jason Esswein

We all know how important it is to listen – to our children, spouse, friends, or co-workers. The command, “Pay attention!” exists for a very good reason. Our attention is the most valuable currency we possess. The quality of our attention is intimately linked with our ability to love, nurture and even heal.

          The Chinese word for listening incorporates two symbols – translated as “open” with “heart.” This could not be more true. Listening requires us to show up by being fully present, which means several things:

          First, we are giving someone our undivided focused attention. We are not making “to do lists” in our mind, waiting for them to finish so we can start talking, or engaging in any other activity which takes us out of the moment.

          Second, being fully present requires a willingness to feel uncomfortable, especially when listening to people closest to us. When someone is suffering in any way (particularly with intense grief or anger), it is never pleasant to witness or feel. In fact, the closer we are to the speaker, the more we are likely to be affected by their pain.

          It is crucial that we avoid the impulse to “fix” the other person’s pain, stress, or other challenges. Most of us come up with an immediate “solution:  in the form of “Well just do this” or “Don’t worry about it, everything is going to be okay.” One of the most damaging reactions is, “Don’t cry” which completely shuts a person down.

          For example, if our spouse or friend begins to cry during a difficult experience, a common response is “Don’t cry.” We often follow by touching the person (i.e., patting their back, tapping their knee, etc.) Both of these reactions often pull both parties out of their current experience. Unfortunately, in this situation, the person who was supposedly being listened to often chooses to “swallow” their feelings, disconnect from their center, and take care of the person who appeared to be present and listening.

          The more we can allow and accept our own uncomfortable feelings, the more we are able to be present and truly listen with an open heart.

          Deeply knowing, loving, and accepting ourselves (feeling comfortable in our own skin) is one of the greatest contributions we can make to others, the world, and ourselves in general. Every time we interact with someone we have the power to provide the opportunity to experience the world as safe, benevolent, and beautiful, or as cold, harsh, and frightening. Becoming a better listener enables others to experience the world as the former.

          Cultivating this quality drastically improves our relationships with ourselves, family, friends, and business associates.  And ultimately, relationships are what connect us to life itself.

          Jason Esswein is a license marriage and family therapist in south San Jose.


“Any person capable of angering you becomes your master; he can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him.”  Epictetus


One Sunday I heard two teenage girls in the back giggling and disturbing people. I interrupted my sermon and announced sternly, “There are two of you here who have not heard a word I’ve said.” That quieted them down.

When the service was over, I went to greet people at the front door. Three adults apologized for going to sleep in church, promising it would never happen again.


There were three restaurants on the same block. One day one of them put up a sign which said “The Best Restaurant in the City.”

The next day, the largest restaurant on the block put up a larger sign, which said “The Best Restaurant in the World.”

On the third day, the smallest restaurant put up a small sign, which said “The Best Restaurant on this Block.”

Center for Creative Living

August 12, 2010

All are welcome to Sunday Celebrations at the Center for Creative Living, UCM Charter #801, at 1460 Koll Circle, Suite “C” – services in back. Need directions? Call (408) 392-9090 or visit Sunday Celebration is from 10:00 to 11:30am. Dress is casual and Kids are welcome. Spiritual energies, food, hugs and music are lovingly available!

Join this Sunday as the fantastic Rev. Bec Thompson and Rev. April Lussier talk about “How to Access Your Goddess/God Box When You’re Stuck in the Weeds.”

Choir Practice 1 to 3.


Thursday Aug. 19th 7pm to 9pm $15. or 2 for $25.

Open to the Public and for Licentiate Ministerial Credit

Affirmations, Visualization & Manifestation

For Your Personal and Spiritual Growth

Join us as we continue our investigation into Affirmation, Visualization & Manifestation and their potential and power in our daily life. Learn to write purposeful affirmations and manifest your heart’s desire.

Rev. Donna Zehner and Rev. Doti Boon are presenting invaluable information that can transform your life.

Saturday, Aug. 21st, 11 to 5pm, Treasure Maps–Power of YOU – Putting the divine power of YOU into practice with Rev. Donna Zehner. Dynamic workshop creating and bringing your visions into reality…allowing you to build your own “Dream board + Treasure Map” combining affirmations for your dreams (visualizations) and goals (manifestations).

Please bring magazines to share and your own scissors. Thanks…see you on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 11am. $50.

Center Happenings

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday 10am to 11:30. Go to for more information on upcoming events.

Sat. Aug. 14th, 9:30 to 4pm. Furniture sale at CCL. Chairs, wooden desk, side tables, file cabinet, baker’s rack, brass hat rack, table/desk lamp with shade, floor lamp, Meilink safe 18″tall 14×14, desk, space heater, metal folding chairs, plastic folding chairs, portable cassette recorders/players, misc. office supplies, various paintings, brass baker’s rack, 2 mauve side chairs with arms, loads of jigsaw puzzles.

Sat. Aug. 14th, 1:00-5:00pm $25 Healing with the Rainbow Rays. Alijandra, internationally known teacher, healer, and author of “Healing with the Rainbow Rays” and “Cosmic Chakras,” will be here to present a class on working with the rainbow energy. It will be a hands on experience.

Alijandra is considered to be a pioneer in this field, and has been in the work over 25 years. Her website is She may also be reached at  or(408) 986-8550.

Tues. Aug. 17th, 6:30 to 8:30 DRUMMING CIRCLE with Norbeth, Ayleen and friends. Join us with your drum or play one of ours for fun and spiritual energetics.

Special Event! Scott Huckabay – “Universal Guitarist”

Scott Huckabay – “Universal Guitarist for Spiritual Renaissance. “Sat., Aug. 21st, 7:30pm at CCL $20 in advance or $25 at the door.

A guitar alchemist of the Gods, Scott Huckabay’s vibrational love melodies shine through invisible sound frequencies to create a sensory landscape of living bliss. You’ll be overcome by the sensation to dance and vocalize your own love vibration with the first pluck of his guitar or bow moved over a string. Described as Michael Hedges, Ravi Shankar and Jimi Hendrix rolled into one, each live performance Scott presents is a unique musical initiation to the newest dimension on the planet…

Tues. Aug. 24th, 6:30 to 8:30, MEDITATION with Norbeth and Ayleen. Donation

Wed., Aug. 25th, Movie night cancelled, Pampered Chef Fundraiser. 7pm, CCL Pampered Chef Fundraiser

Gather friends and family, for Cooking Show Fundraiser. Everyone who attends will be able to: Try our innovative tools, Learn to prepare impressive recipes quickly, Enjoy the tasty results, Relax and have fun!

People love Pampered Chef’s high-quality products.  There are great choices at every price level, so everyone can support our efforts to raise money for CCL.

Saturday, Aug. 28th, 3:00 to 8:00, Retreat/B-day party and Dinner

For those with over 15 CCL points – a Free Outing

others $15. advance or $20. at the door.

Theme is “CELEBRATION.”  Come dressed representing your favorite spiritual or national holiday. For example, Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, Halloween, Yule, Flag Day, Anniversary, Birthday, Gay Pride, etc. Prizes for best theme costume! Join us for swimming, Spiral Dance, Shuffleboard, Karaoke and games! Recreation Hall at South Bay Mobile Home Park, 1350 Oakland Road, San Jose 95112. Park across the street. Call for directions – 408) 392-9090.

Have a nice day, unless you already have other plans. Whatever you observe, watch or enjoy – know that Bliss is the ultimate spiritual celebration.

    Love and Light,

   Rev. Doti Boon

‘When You’re Down to Nothing God is Up to Something!’