Archive for November, 2012

Early Human Explorers? Neanderthals, Homo Erectus May Have Been Mediterranean Mariners: via HuffPost

November 24, 2012

Early Human Explorers? Neanderthals, Homo Erectus May Have Been Mediterranean Mariners: via HuffPost

I am Light Eternal

November 16, 2012


Dear Friends,

I am writing to you both as a friend and as a community of fellow servers for humanity.  In

some way each of you has touched my life in an important way and I would like to express

my gratitude to you personally, and as a whole. I only wish it were possible to speak to each

of you individually. To hear your voice and feel your presence once again would be a blessing,

but in this busy world we live in, it is unfortunately nearly impossible to contact you all indivi-

dually at this moment and have an extended visit by phone.

Therefore, I will do my best to bring you up to date on what Jwana and I have been doing

of late and leave the door open for further networking with one another as we move toward the

challenges and opportunities of 2013. This electronic vehicle is one of the blessings of this

Virtual World that we live in and it allows me to speak to you all at one time.

As most know, we returned from Hawaii in 2009 to Grants Pass, Oregon and co-created an

informal community of mystically oriented truth seekers called “The Circle of the Radiant

Heart.” During that time our open ended community has grown in spirit and in truth. Our

philosophic and spiritual point of view has been focused on the Perennial Philosophy of the

Master Teachers, rather than a single religious perspective. This is the mystic path of all

seekers of The Way to liberation. Ours is a “leaderless community” in which I only steward &

play a facilitator’s role. Instead of the old hierarchical form of leadership, we function on a

consensus council basis as we collectively plan and support one another. It has been so

refreshing for me to be free from that old role of minister, along with the institutional expectations

of conventional religion. I truly believe that we have formed and practice what will soon

become a new form of spiritual community that will spread in time. It is in this fashion that

we support healing and accelerated spiritual practices for one another.

In 2011 I  published my first book “I AM Light – The Prodigal Path and Beyond.” Jwana

and I have been on book tours, conducted programs and continued to minister to the New

Thought community here in Southern Oregon. Although I have had a website for more than three

years, it was only until recently that my inner voice compelled me to share more regularly with

fellow seekers online in blog form.

It would be wrong to assume that I have anything to teach you, because I know you are

already divinely guided and a teacher, example and healer in your own right. It is to the

greater community of those seeking liberation that I wish to reach. It is my hope that via

my blog, book and workshop presentations at New Thought centers that I can be of

further service to fellow seekers entering into this new threshold of awakening.

As a practical mystic like yourself, I am attempting to balance the personal needs and

responsibilities of this life, with the intention of merging more with Divine Will to be of greater

service. It is my hope that you will find value in passing along my website address,, and my blog to friends that may find value in our collective effort

toward personal joy, harmony and liberation in this life.

If you feel prompted to contact me on a more personal basis, feel free to call me at …

541-244-1256 PST or email me at When you go to my site feel free to leave

comments and I hope you will “Like” what you find.

In the spirit of communion together, I welcome your feedback …

Blessings in Love’s Light,    Gary Layman

CCL Insights

November 16, 2012

CCL Insights
Center for Creative Living Newsletter
Vol. 02 Pg. 46
1460 Koll Cir., Ste C
San Jose, CA 95112
In This Issue
Doti/MAH will answer your question
Rev. Doti Boon
CCL Mission Statement
List of Sunday Services
Christmas Day
Thanksgiving Humor
World Peace Meditation
This Sunday’s Service
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Mark your Calendar
Thank you
Classes & Events
Ad: Clarity Coaching for You
Ad: Facial Relaxation

     Sunday Celebration is from 10:00 to 11:30 am. Dress is casual and kids are welcome. Spiritual energies, food, hugs and music are lovingly available!Rev. Janet Childs and Min. Carolyn Keyes will accompany Rev. Doti’s meditation.

Rev. Ronnie Grigsby will sing the closing song.

NO CCL INSIGHTS publised next week.

It’s Thanksgiving Holiday, that’s why!

NEW! Doti/MAH will answer your pressing question in the next edition of CCL Insights. Send one question and we will print MAH’s response. And, it’s FREE!

Doti ThanksgivingCenter for Creative Living pastor
Rev. Doti Boon

 The California Psychic

 offers insight into a person’s future, present and past lives to provide direction and support. Through her spirit guide Mah, she has given readings to thousands who seek enlightenment. Her psychic counseling, warmth and sense of humor are appreciated by all.

Doti has been teaching beginning and advanced metaphysics, planned metaphysical trips, managed fund raising events and metaphysical fairs for the past 30 years.

Center for Creative LivingMission Statement:

We proclaim and affirm the spiritual nature of all faiths,religions and creeds. Our vision is to co- create spiritual communities of love, trust,integrity, and mutual respect which embrace our diversity, celebrate the oneness of the human spirit, serve the well-being of the human family andhonor the sanctity of all creation. We accept that God is the moving spirit in all and the loving essence of the universe.

Sunday CelebrationsNov.  18 “Commitment”

Revs. Tom & Mary Garry
Nov. 25  “Gratitude” with Rev. Doti Boon
Dec. 02  “Edgar Cayce”with Rev. Lynn Rogers. Edgar Cayce is America’s Sleeping Prophet who foretold today’s world events. Recognized as a world teacher for our age, his readings have been studied for decades. He believed “channeling” is best when from the Creator and in a context of knowing ourselves and giving service. Rev. Lynn Rogers took her master’s degree from Edgar Cayce’s Atlantic University in Virginia Beach and wrote Edgar Cayce and the Eternal Feminine based on her work there. She is also a teacher and intuitive channel of the Akashic record each soul makes as it travels from life to life.

Join Our Mailing List


Beginning to tune into even the minutest
feelings of gratitude softens us.
If we begin to acknowledge these moments
and cherish them. . . then no matter how
fleeting and tiny this good heart may seem,
it will gradually, at its own speed, expand.
by Pema Chodron
There are two kinds of people in the world; those
who pull you up and those who pull you down.
Identify the people who pull you up and show them an attitude of gratitude.
by Keith D. Harrell

Christmas Day

     Join us Tuesday, Dec. 25th to Celebrate, feast and exchange gifts.  It is with great pleasure and much gratitude that we, The Center for Creative Living, wishes to, “feed the flock.”  Christmas
Day seems a perfect time to observe the Holidays.  CCL will provide the food, music, singing, games and loads of laughter, joy, and love…you bring a gift.
Gift Exchange presents must be:  New, Wrapped and Worth around $10.  (This criteria include hand & home made gifts).
     This is not a White Elephant exchange, bring something that you would like to receive.
     Have a wonderful weekend.  Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Thanksgiving Humor:
A man buys a parrot, only to have it constantly insult him. He tries everything to make the parrot stop, but nothing works. Frustrated, the man puts the parrot in the freezer. After a few minutes the insults stop. The man thinks he might have killed the parrot, so he opens the freezer and takes the parrot out. The parrot is shivering. It stammers, “S-s-sorry for being r-r-rude. Please f-f-forgive me.” Then, after a moment, the parrot softly asks, “W-w-what exactly d-d-did the turkey do?”
A turkey farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better turkey. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together. “Well I finally did it! I bred a turkey that has 6 legs!”
They all asked the farmer how it tasted.
“I don’t know” said the farmer. “I never could catch the darn thing!”
The pro football team had just finished their daily practice session when a large turkey came strutting onto the field. While the players gazed in amazement, the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout. Everyone stared in silence as the turkey caught pass after pass and ran right through the defensive line. When the turkey returned to the sidelines, the coach shouted, “You’re terrific!!! Sign up for the season, and I’ll see to it that you get a huge bonus.” “Forget the bonus,” the turkey said, “All I want to know is, does the season go past Thanksgiving Day?”


World Peace MeditationDates for 2012 at CCL
7:30 to 9:00
Nov. 19,
Dec. 17
Dec 31 at 4 am early morning of the last day of 2012.
All are welcome,
please come in the back door.


I am grateful to be living a happy

and spiritual life.

This Sunday at CCL      Commitment”

with Revs. Tom & Mary Garry, Rev. MaryLou Hostetter and Rev. Bea Baechle.
     Revs Tom and Mary Garry will be sharing their 40th anniversary with us on the 18th along with their not so secret tips for a long and happy marriage/relation- shipTom & Mary Garry UCM Conf 5-2011. Both the hard work of Commitment and what makes it work. Please share in the blessing of soul mates as they exchange Celtic rings of “Mo Anam Cara”. Do join us, for what ever is important requires commitment and with it the Universe aligns.
     Celebratory Refreshments (a cake for Rev. Mary’s birthday) will be available.

Prayer of Thanksgiving:

     Dear Mother Father God, we thank those people who have chosen to help feed the hungry, cure the sick, house the homeless, educate the illiterate, love the unloved, and honor every one on Planet Earth.
      We thank those who are doing the “right thing” instead of winning at any cost.  We praise those heroes that teach our children to make the world a better place instead of glorifying violence and war, teaching them to not be bullies, to stand up and speak out against things that are wrong instead of sitting back and waiting for someone else.  We thank those that demand honesty from our governments and demand honesty from themselves.

Mother/Father God we thank you for giving us the determination to take responsibility for our own actions and realize that by refusing to change ourselves, we condone all the evils in the world.
We thank you for allowing us to teach others by example who in turn change and teach more.  Thank you for showing us that if one person becomes as a pebble rolling down a mountain, picking up more pebbles as it continues, becoming an avalanche of change. It can happen, it must happen, it will happen.
And through this prayer dear God, may the people on this planet be changed:

 *Changed from hatred to love,

*Changed from greed to giving,
*Changed from selfishness to selflessness,
*Changed from apathy to action,
*Changed from jealousy to joy over someone’s


*Changed from intolerance to acceptance,
*Changed from being destructive to being


*Changed from fighting to peace,
*Changed from killing to protecting life,
*Changed from censorship to freedom,
*Changed from ignorance to education,
*Changed from fearing our differences to rejoicing

our variety.

And So It Truly Is.

Mark your Calendars for these CCL EventsNov. 16: 6:00, Prep for Thanksgiving-volunteers needed

Nov. 22: 11:30 appetizers feasting begins at 1 ’til sunset

Thanksgiving at the Seacliff Beach (cement boat)

December 9: 9:00 to 3:00, Christmas Boutique

December 14: 3:00 to 5:00, Decorating the Center

December 25: 11:00 to 3:00, Dinner and Gift Exchange

Dec. 31: early am Peace Meditation, late pm Celebration

     This coming Thurs. is another one of those glorious family occasions.  Many of you will be joining parents and grandparents to eat turkey, drink cider and stuff yourself with pumpkin pie.
We will be doing that and more as we celebrate Thanksgiving at the Beach.  This is the twenty-second year of joining our friends, spouses, lovers, parents, kids, thanksgiving at the beachetc. at Seacliff Beach for a
fantastic Thanksgiving celebrations.  I am so delighted that my son Bob and his family will be joining us this year!
     Mark your calendar for Thanksgiving at the Beach (November 22nd).  Join the CCL spiritual community as we play games, sing songs, have fun, eat turkey, watch pelicans, laugh at the dolphins
and enjoy the day.
     Seacliff Beach is located off Highway 1 – south of Santa Cruz and New Brighton beaches.  Turn at the State Beach Drive exit and head west to the Seacliff Beach park ranger’s kiosk.  There is an entry fee of $10.00 per car, $9.00 if you have a senior (62+) in the car.  Go to the end of the picnic area where you will see a large tree with brightly colored signs and lots of picnic tables.  People start arriving around 11:00am or earlier and feasting is at 1:00pm.  We stay to watch the glorious beach sunset.
     If you would like to be a part of this amazing event, please call Rev. Doti at (408)392-9090 or and tell her how many people will be coming and what you are bringing to
share.  (We will be supplying the water and all serving utensils).  Bring a folding chair if picnic benches are uncomfortable for you.  Dogs are welcome…they must be on a leash…it’s the law.
Thank you Clyde for all the photos in this week’s publication of CCL Insights.

An Evening of Music to
Light the World

choir b&w drawing

A very big thank you to all the participants in our first annual CCL Choir concert.  It was amazing and everyone did an incredible job.  The choir lead by Kat Silas and Rev. Anne Corbin and
accompanied by Laura Marshall, David Yoemans, Paul Lyons, Glen Singer, Min. Cheryl Lewis, Norma Hughes, Min. Carolyn Keyes, Christine Milly, Dr. Aylene Augustine, and Rev. Corky Whitacre
sang 8 beautiful songs. Rev. Janet Childs, Rev. Ronnie Grigsby, Margaret Miles, Sean M. Imler, Akim and Emily Augustine-Tairu were our special invited guests and they performed so
professionally.  For those of you who weren’t there –
Rev. Doti Boon did an inspired solo! (giggle).
Also, thank you to the fantastic bakers who provided homemade cookies for the event.  Kassandra Silas, Sheri O’Sullivan, Joanie Saive, Rev. Corky Whitacre, Rev. Corry Gott and others who
all made delicious contributions.
This wonderful fundraiser brought in over $800.00!  Thanks again for everyone’s hard work; including Michael Berry on logistics and Ed Ferrero on sound.

 Classes & Events at CCLYou may go to the CCL meetup calendar:
or to learn more about any of these events.

 FRI. Nov. 16 – 6:00 – Thanksgiving preparation. Volunteers needed. 

MON. Nov. 19 – 7:30 to 9:00 – World Peace Meditation  AKA The 11th meditation.
A monthly meditation to add out energy to the Divine intention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Come join us, bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. Evening includes chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical ecofeminist Wisewoman
(408) 289-9188 or
TUES. Nov. 20 – NO – Drumming
WED. Nov. 21 or 28 – NO – Energy Healing and REIKI circle
WED. Nov. 21 or 28 – NO – *SMILE YOGA
WED. Nov. 21 – NO – Lideres en Accion
THURS. Nov. 22 – Happy Thanksgiving
MON. Nov. 26 – Mercury goes direct!
TUES. Nov. 27 – 6:45 to 8:45 – Holiday Centerpieces Workshop
WED. Nov. 28 – 7 to 9 – Lideres en  Accion
Join Dr. Ayleen every Thursday at 2PM on BlogTalkRadio (Healing House with Dr. Ayleen) For more information email  or call (408) 313-7641

THURS. Nov. 29 – 7:00 to 9:00 – Seven Gifts of Druidry – Sixth Gift: Developing Our Potential.  Join Dr. Ayleen Augustine.  The cost of the class is $25.00 per session for the general public and $20.00 per session for Divine Events members and CCL church members.

Clarity Coaching for YouPatty's Logo

Call Minister Patty Caldera, CHt

408 505-9183 for a free Complementary Consultation!!!

Individual, Couples, and Adolescent

Are your Mental and Behavior Patterns working FOR You or against You?? Reconstruct your Life. Find you Purpose in Life. Click here for more info. in Spanishclick here for info. in English.

Facial Relaxation
Minister Blanca Chavez is available to calm you with a soothing Facial Relaxation treatment.

$40 per hour or $25 for a half hour appointment. Blanca is available by appointment only so please call her at 408.813.7590

Dreams and Prayers of Peace for All People: via HuffPost

November 16, 2012

Dreams and Prayers of Peace for All People: via HuffPost

Gulf Oil Rig Explodes Off Louisiana’s Coast: via HuffPost

November 16, 2012

We ask for prayers for those who died and are injured. We ask for prayers for all aspects of nature and life being impacted. Gulf Oil Rig Explodes Off Louisiana’s Coast: via HuffPost

Kala Ambrose, New Beginnings

November 16, 2012

Create A Seed Planting Ceremony For Reflection, Connection And Introspection – The Huffington Post

Rev. Kala Ambrose

November 15, 2012

Wrapping Up the Mysteries of 2012

Why Pluralism Should Matter to Atheists: via HuffPost

November 14, 2012

Why Pluralism Should Matter to Atheists: via HuffPost

In the Footsteps of (the Historical) Jesus (PHOTOS): via HuffPost

November 14, 2012

In the Footsteps of (the Historical) Jesus (PHOTOS): via HuffPost

Diwali 2012: The Festival Of Lights (PHOTOS, LIVE UPDATES): via HuffPost

November 14, 2012

Diwali 2012: The Festival Of Lights (PHOTOS, LIVE UPDATES): via HuffPost