Archive for the ‘Sacred Times Newsletter’ Category

Sacred Times

April 7, 2013

Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

April 2013 

What you will find in this months issue of the Sacred Times

Presidents Message – Rev. Sandy Clark


UCM Annual Meeting – May 18, 2013

Learning – Rev. Eve Wilson

A Spiritual Tool: Sending Love – Min. Maryellen DeVine

Book of the Month –

Classes and Events – UCM Members and Charters

Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

Please join me in thanking Reverend Felecia Mulvany for the creation, and dedication to, the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter. She started the newsletter in December 2011 on the request of a few of our members. She has put a lot of time, energy, and love into the newsletter in an effort to support our members and our community.

This will be the last newsletter edited by Reverend Mulvany. Currently, we do not have someone to fill the role as editor, until we do the Sacred Times publication is suspended.

If you are interested in volunteering to be the new editor of the Sacred Times, please contact me at 408-370-6519 or

With Light and Love,

UCM Annual MeetingDate:   May 18, 2013

Time:   1:00PM Guest Speaker – Ceremonies

2:00PM Business Meeting

Silent Auction Fundraiser

Location: 1460 Koll Circle Suite C, San Jose California

Please join us for our Annual Meeting on May 18, 2013, held at the Center for Creative Living, UCM Church Charter #801 held by Reverend Doti Boon.

We begin at 1:00PM with a guest speaker, the topic of ceremonies, followed by our business meeting at 2:00PM.

There will be a silent auction fundraiser that includes items such as gift certificates for restaurants, theme parks, healings, readings, and so much more. If you have any goods or services you wish to donate for the auction, please get them to UCM Headquarters, 1361 S. Winchester Blvd #115, San Jose CA 95128, by Friday May 3rd. All donations are tax deductable.

We hope to see you there!

Learning by Eve WilsonRev Eve Wilson Oct 2012

Reprinted with permission from Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine

Outside my second story window is the beginnings of a robins nest. The young pair of robins are busy carrying last year’s dry lily leaves and other carefully chosen items to the crook of my tiny maple tree. With each new addition the mother- to- be lays her belly down and snuggles the nesting material into the shape of a nest, turns a bit and does the same again in each direction. The young parents seem very happy with this spot directly above my bird bath and feeder. The problem they seem to be missing is the large amount of traffic to this area for those same accoutrements by other birds. I am particularly concerned about the starlings who I am confident would find robin eggs a treat.

Watching these blindly confident young parents I was reminded of the way that each of us has to learn from our experiences. I thought about how God allows us to do that, confident that next time the opportunity arises we will be wiser in our choices and learn some deep lessons along the way. I am certain that the next brood these robins have will be placed in a safer spot.

This made me think of a new mother I recently met. She was so greatly overwhelmed by the need to be perfect for her child and everyone else that she couldn’t conceive of a few minutes a day to just relax and care for her own emotional needs. I have observed this tendency a lot in recent generations of parents who want so badly to be better parents than the previous generations or as good as those they had. Popular psychology has placed the blame for the problems of individuals on their parents. Sometimes that is the case, but mostly it is the children’s own soul contracts which define their experience of life. Parents may blame their selves or try too hard feeling that their child’s success is all about their parenting. Carried to an extreme these attitudes encourage parents to neglect their own needs which can create an imbalance of another sort.

Like the robin, children have to learn from their experiences. They need to think for their selves, choose and make mistakes for their selves. Failing, they will of necessity learn to go within and find the motivation and will power to succeed for their selves. No one can do these things them. If we allow others to drive our lives we never learn to drive them for ourselves. Truly, it is easier to control or push our children then to watch them struggle to find their own motivation, will power and courage, and it takes a greater amount of trust. It is less frustrating to do for our children than to wait for them to do for their selves, or to sit by while they leave things undone. But if we do everything for them, we become slaves to our children. Parents teach by example and the stress of trying to hyper-parent, teaches a fearful, overwhelmed, and imbalanced way of life. It may make them not want to grow up to live that level of hyper-responsibility they see in their parents.

To model life for your children, learn to live a life that your children will long to experience for their selves. This is an endeavor that will reward everyone!

Let your children observe your learning process and how you problem solve. Let them see you take time for yourself and enjoy relaxing and being alive and whole. This will help them learn to solve their own problems, relax into their own life, find joy and wholeness. They will need unstructured time to choose their direction and find their motivation; time to make poor decisions and learn for their selves what they really want and what will work for them. The greatest level of vigilance will not prevent circumstances which are pre-determined to occur for your child. They have a destiny which is not in your control.

Like the robin, children will learn from their experience and will succeed because they have tried and failed and are encouraged to see that as OK. Failure is a step toward success and a necessary part of learning. God knows this and has allowed a couple of generations to try hyper-parenting in an attempt to create happy and whole people. If you have gone to this extreme, it is OK to change your approach and find more balance. There is no time like the present and no blame for trying to the best of your ability, and then choosing a different, more balanced approach.

One of my favorite meditations is to see life as God’s river. I surrender into the flow of life and release all the hard things (metaphorically the rocks in the river that create turbulence and rapids) to God. When traveling down a river, there is always a current that flows deep through the rocky places and will carry you safely through, but if you try to grab hold of the rocks you will get beat up by them. Trust the flow of life’s river and surrender the rocks, or the hard things to God. When you do, you’ll find there is a way through the hard and dangerous places that is safe and amazingly smooth.

As you wake up in the morning and step out of bed, step into God’s river and release all your objectives and agendas into God’s care. Ask God to help you find a way to accomplish with grace, power and ease all that is important today and to let go and trust that whatever doesn’t get done is really not important at this time.

Spend your day in the flow of God’s river. The world is changing so fast right now. If you try to control things you will feel frustrated and stressed out. You can trust God’s river to take you to the perfect place for you.

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live Skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

A Spiritual Tool: Sending LoveBy Min. Maryellen De VineMin Maryellen DeVine

When we’re on a spiritual path, we want to think that we are only about Love and Light (right?) And we probably are for the most part. However, we all have times when we feel our “human-ness”. We face challenging situations, have arguments, lose our cool with our kids, or just have a plain old bad day. This is just part of the “spiritual beings having a human experience” thing.

But we have a powerful spiritual tool available to us at all times to help smooth out these tricky times. And it’s so simple, yet not always easy to remember.

We can just Send Love.

Perhaps you and a loved one aren’t seeing eye to eye lately. Perhaps you’re dealing with a difficult boss or client. Perhaps you’ve been worrying about the outcome of a particular situation (especially when you feel you have no control over the outcome). Or maybe you are beginning to put up some healthy boundaries for yourself, and others are having a hard time adjusting to them.

You can just send Love. Imagine Love swirling in your heart space and then imagine it flowing out to the other person. You can picture Love surrounding and infusing the situation or the relationship.

Sometimes we are too angry at the moment to muster up any actual feelings of Love, but you can always call upon the energy of Unconditional Love or ask your angels to flood each of you with Love. You’ll be amazed at the shift this simple thing can create. It may help you or the other person be more compassionate and understanding. It may soften the intense emotions. It may also help those involved see that the other’s behavior is coming from stress or fear, etc. It can be very healing.

It’s actually a great practice to do each day. Send Love to your loved ones, those you work with, people driving on the freeway, to different situations, places at war…you name it!

I have to remind myself of this tool at times, too. Just imagine this at my house (hopefully you’ll get a chuckle out of this):
3 teenage boys (attitudes!)
+ 1 menopausal mom (yikes, that’s me!)
= 1 volatile cocktail!

Definitely looking rather human instead of “angelic” and spiritual at times 🙂 Gotta keep on sending (and receiving) the Love!

Sending lots of Love to you!

Min. Maryellen De Vine
Angelic Journeys
Angel Therapy Practitioner®
Tap into Your Soul’s Calling & Replenish Your Spirit Coach
Angelic EFT Practitioner

UCM Book of the Month


Illustrated World Religions, Rev Angela DeBry 2008

By Huston Smith

In the early 90’s, when I began to teach my credential program our then president, Reverend Lavona Stillman, recommended The World Religions, by Huston Smith. At that time I found his work on DVD form and used those for my in house classes. When students began to ask for a remote program I was fortunate to find the illustrated version.

Huston Smith was born May 31, 1919. He is one of the most admired religious studies scholars in the U.S. His work, The World’s Religions, is a classic and has sold over two million copies.

He was born in Soochow, China, to Methodist missionaries and spent his first 17 years there. He taught at the Universities of Colorado and Denver from 1944 to 1947, moved to Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, for the next 10 years, served as professor of Philosophy at MIT from 1958 to 1973. Smith then moved to Syracuse University, where he was Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion and Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Philosophy until his retirement in 1983.

The full link to his biography is at:

Huston Smith’s early life straddling the lines between the Asian culture and his parents Methodist faith allowed him to develop a truly unique and diverse world view of how each of us embraces, struggles with and defines our faith.

I would highly recommend any and all the works done by Huston Smith, this particular version combining text and a visual picture journey is my personal favorite.

Thank you,

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.

Universal Church of the Master

Dean of Education

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

 UCM Church Charters

Little Chapel Fallen Leaf Lake

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon, 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112, (408) – Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes. Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Peace Meditation – Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9:00PM

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes – 7:00 to 9:00PM, Please enter through the back door. Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both.
Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills, 303-288-0143, Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak, 3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714, 727-522-7133,http://www.templeofloveandhealing.usWorship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars, Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM, See website for full yoga schedule

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith, 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905, 607-722-5569, Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work



UCM Members

Classes and Events

Reverend Eve Wilson

April 24 – The Healer Development 101 – Intuition, Self Healing, Spiritual Boundaries and Protection, Clear Connections to Guides & Angels, Purifying Water, Healing Qabalah, Beginning Aura Reading, Chakra Tuning, Power Animals, More! 6 Wednesdays Start April 24, 7 – 9:30 PM. Attend live by phone, skype or in person. Rev. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,evew@spiritualhealers.com

Tuesdays beginning May – The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate Tuesdays 7 – 10 PM. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Much More. Attend live by phone, Skype or in person. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635, .

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM, An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM, Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112, Rev. April 408 289 9188

Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – gather 6:30pm cast circle 7pm, Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 408 289 9188, Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. What to bring: an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air. Beltane May 4, Summer Solstice/Litha June 23, Lammas Aug 3, Mabon/Fall Equinox Sept 2, Hallowmas Nov 2, Yule Dec 21

Goddess Spirituality Retreats – April 12-14 & Oct 4-6, $225- 275 includes food, lodging, and Ceremonies, RSVP April (408) 289-9188

Sabbat Celebrations and other Triple Goddess Rituals are facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical eco feminist Wisewoman. (408) 289-9188 oraprillussier@sbcglobal.net

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness. Calgary – New group starts April 13-14, 2013 Monterey, CA – New Healers Training started in March but you can still join this group! Level 1 & 2 Makeups on May 16, 2013. Level 3 & 4 training in June. San Diego, CA – June or September depending on demand

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

2013: Stepping Into the Light – A Mayan Wisdom Workshop

The purpose of this Workshop is the activation of our consciousness to bring forth a world community of balance, beauty, light, love, and harmony. Working with the Ancient Wisdom of the Maya, Miguel Angel Vergara will help us raise our consciousness through teachings, ceremonies, meditations, and specific practices, including how to use the energies of the Tzolkin and Haab Calendars.

The Mayan Calendars and Prophecies have important messages and information for us as we enter the Golden Age and pass through this time of great transformation. Join us for this special event! Calgary – July 4 – 8, 2013 & San Diego – July 11 – 15, 2013 All Inquiries please direct to: Deirdre Leighton call toll Free 1-877-242-5721 or E-mail:

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles – Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. For more information about Joy and her work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to her website or contact her for more information at


UCM Member Services

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.

Reverend Janna Jorne

Reverend Janna works with seniors, teaching them about the internet, computers and desktop publishing. She has several blogs dedicated to facilitating seniors in understanding ways through electronics to enhance the quality of their lives. Website. Addressing Seniors and baby boomers with other ways to create additional income for their senior years. Website. Assistance in an online business. Blog. Crossing the bridge from the old to the new including Christianity to a UCM Blog My walk in building an online business.
Reverend Elaine Henwood

StressFreed Counseling – Consulting, Coaching and Energy Healing is a one-on-one personal session to assist you in releasing stress and improving your life. It provides keys to unlock more potential by handling the source of stress that blocks balanced energy, health and creativity. The energy healing of Matrix Energetics Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 is also applied in sessions with clients. The sessions will be done on Skype or the phone. More information can be found on, or call 828-208-2805.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

 Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events.  See side bar for pricing. 

Sacred Times, March 2013

March 13, 2013
 Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
 Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Blvd Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128

March 2013 

What you will find in this months issue of the Sacred Times

Presidents Message – Rev. Sandy Clark


Angel Prayers – Rev. Jacquelyn Sendak-Zaveleta

Saturday Prayer – Tully Moss

Hidden Beneath the Old – Rev. Eve Wilson

Book of the Month – Once and Future Goddess

Classes and Events – UCM Members and Charters

Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 
March 17th Time for wearing a bit of green. May the luck of the Irish touch you all.
Happy Spring!
March 20th is the first day of spring.
And then March 31st is Easter.
Happy Easter!

UCM Annual Meeting – Save the date!
The UCM Annual Meeting will be held on May 18, 2013
Committee Chairman: Rev.Debbie Uharriet
Location: Center for Creative Living
1460 Koll Circle Suite C
San Jose, California
We will have a Silent Auction Fundraiser for UCM. Please contact me if you have a certificate or item you would like to donate. All donations are tax deductable.

I hope to see you there!
With Light and Love,


Angel PrayersReverend Jacquelyn Sendak-ZaveletaSnow Angel + EarthForward to Saturday PrayerWe have our work cut out for us on earth!Rev Jim Goure, my root teacher, use to grumble about how Jesus taught us to heal many years ago, yet that mission still is not done. We reach plateaus, get inspired, and heal up only to slip back into feeling insecure and lacking.

An entire industry (thought form) has been formed, a Medical and Holistic business combining Money, control and power. I am not knocking natural healing. However, the correcting is more than herbs, diet, etc.; the main causes of ill health are very deep. In exploring the how toes back to harmony, stop asking why.

Gene Davis said there is only one answer. Because we have in our belief system a distorted view that can be cleared. He advised us to take responsibility for creating (the problem that causes one physical discomfort or mental concern), and without guilt, change it and turn the healing over to the Christ self within …or that crystal clear consciousness. Then let it release with a smile that aligns all ones body. If the situation returns use a switch word like “its ok” or repeat this process again. Eventually say “I am free to live the Divine Design of my life.” The energy clears and defying X-rays, etc. Miracles happen or ordinary magic. All is done for the Glory of the Divine is a new and different outlook.

The new Mantra for 2013 is Be Divine!

Angel Blessings, Jacquelyn

Saturday prayer

By Tully Moss

Dear Light Group,

Many of us feel that we should be healed instantly and that if we are not, then God does not love us. Sometimes there is an instant healing, but often we are working with negatives that have been building up for many, many years. So, we need to stop looking for immediate changes and instead keep on working with the Light.

If we dedicate ourselves to working with the Light, then we see the bigger picture. The really big picture – and often the hardest picture to see – is that everything is for the glory of God. This was communicated beautifully by Jesus when he was confronted by his disciples about the man born blind. The disciples asked why the man had been born blind. Was it due to his karma, from a previous life? Was it due to his parents’ karma? Jesus responded that it was none of these reasons. It was for the glory of God.

This is hard to take sometimes. I can attest to this. An acquaintance from college has been in the intensive care unit of a hospital for over a month with a severe case of streptococcal pneumonia. She has been on a ventilator, has lost a great deal of weight, and is very weak. The tendency is to ask, “Why?” Why should a good person go through this? To say that it is all for the glory of God can be a bit hard to take.

But if we get into the consciousness that it indeed is for the glory of God, then our consciousness expands and our efforts are vastly greater. For one thing, we pray not just for the person but for all people with the same condition. Having tuned into the vibration of one person with a condition makes it easier to tune into all people with that condition.

When we work on others, we forget our selves and our egos and our selfish motives. We remember that we have a responsibility to heal our neighbor. Our neighbor, particularly in such an interconnected planet, is everyone.

So this Saturday, start with someone you really want to see healed. Say prayers for that person, perhaps something along the lines of, “The Creator in _______________ fills him / her with Light, heals him / her, and directs him / her to the Light.”

Then expand your prayer: “The Creator in all people with ________________ [the condition of the person you just prayed for] fills them with Light, heals them, and directs their lives to Light.”

You can move on to all people, using prayers such as, “The mind of all mankind is in a bubble of Light. Only Light can come to this mind and only Light can be there.”

And then finish up by encapsulating planet Earth in a bubble of Light, through visualization or through a prayer such as, “The world is in a bubble of Light. Only Light can come to it and only Light can be there.” When you make such a statement, Light is brought into Earth, and people begin to breathe, eat, and sleep in Light…and everyone on Earth begins to heal.

Love and Light, Tully

Tully also studied with Jim Goure

Note from Jacquelyn: I spent 5 1/2 months studying and living at Jim and Diana Goure’s Prayer Center in 1985. Two years prior I met him in Ca where I took classes, and learned his 7 Steps to Effective prayer! He also had round the clock prayer tours for the world. I learned how to really pray and he taught about Christ’s teachings. I consider him a Christian mystic. He also served in the Navy, worked on Atomic Commission, and had a prayer group when he worked for the Pentagon.


Jim was a family man with eight kids, had a keen sense of humor, was able to look into one’s soul to help you cut through your blocks and gain insight into your Divine Mission. Meeting him and being his student helped me discover my gifts and how to be of service to others. Jim changed my life and touched the lives of many others, and I have taught his teachings to this day. He asked me to commit to doing the light work in Calf. He was an amazing teacher! His techniques were ahead of the times and still apply to this day. I am still inspired by what he taught me and love sharing his prayer techniques! Gene Davis, who wrote about Reversing the Aging process, was another teacher of mine. Jim Goure 


Hidden Beneath the Oldby Reverend Eve WilsonRev Eve Wilson Oct 2012Reprinted with permission fromBody Mind Spirit Guide Magazinehttp://www.bodymindspiritguide.comFebruary 2nd lies half way between the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year) and the Spring Equinox (when nights and days are equal). On this date Celtic traditions celebrate Imbolc a festival which recognizes that unseen beneath the snow and ice of winter, spring has already begun. If you go outside and use your higher senses, you will be able to identify an emerging aliveness stirring beneath the death of winter from this date forward. I love that! Winter feels like it rules, but spring has already gained the upper hand, all unseen but powerful.

I see a parallel between Imbolc and the larger cycle of change we are experiencing during this time of ascension. Looking around within our world, it seems that the old world consciousness still has the upper hand; but when you use your higher senses, you will be able to feel the emergence of something new and true but still mostly unseen beneath the surface of things. We could call this emerging energy the new world and it is growing in power and substance even as you read this article.

Being one who perceives energy, it is a pleasure and a privilege to observe this change within people and our planet. The new world energy rises up from below and it has a sugary texture and an opalescent quality to it, reminding me of sunlight on snow but more silvery. You can feel it as something very alive and joyous and new. It feels true and conscious and part of God and all of life.

Like with the end of winter, the end of the old world energies is inevitable; the old contracts ended with the arrival of 2013. The old ways of doing things will dissolve like the snow, in their own way and time. What is coming to take their place is an energy more in keeping with our higher and eternal nature. Although the forms of the new world are still invisible, there are certain elements of the new world which we can be confident of. One very important element is that the world and our personal bodies and souls are rising in vibration to be able to hold higher consciousness; divine consciousness. From that awareness we can presume that the world which higher consciousness will build through these lives of ours can’t help but be better than the one we have been living in to date!

I receive hints of what is to come in my meditations and planetary healing work. One big change, which I have been repeatedly shown coming, is the end of the need for money. I am very happy about that change, which I have been told will occur over the next 20 years. However, it is hard to imagine how that change will come about. I believe it has to do with partnering with God within our bodies and souls. Through that partnership, as the need arises, I believe we will create what we need out of the substance of reality without taking and doing damage from other lives as we have had to do up until now. We will increasingly work in cooperation with the awakening God consciousness within all life forms and what is done will support the overall good, rather than taking from one to give to another. I love these visions of the future and I feel the truth of them, and yet it seems a long step from here to get there! I am excited to see how it comes about!

Change often inspires fear in the hearts of people. Faith is a deliberate choice, and we each have to find it within ourselves in our own way. You can seek it within your own heart in response to the fear or anxiety that you feel. It is not necessary to suppress fear, but rather to bring God, by whatever name you call that One into the place where the fear is and welcome the transformation from fear into love and truth. Like the energy of spring arising within the appearance of winter, the love and truth is present but sometimes, invisible. So much in the outer sense says the old world has control, but underneath the new is growing stronger. Let the new world energy be born inside of you. Make room for it and exercise faith by letting your aspect of God be there as a presence of love and truth at the core of your days and nights. Wait for the signs of the new world springing up into your soul and your life. It is a miracle just as the melting of ice and snow and the emergence of the first snowdrops and crocuses of spring. Its beauty will be all the greater for the winter of the old world we have struggled through to get there.

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live Skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

UCM Book of the Month


Once and Future GoddessRev Angela DeBry 2008

by Elinor W. Gadon

Coming from the south in my childhood and teen years I had been exposed primarily to the Christian faith in many varied and diverse expressions. I did have one girlfriend who was studying Judaism and a friend who was Greek Orthodox. During high school it was the 60’s so like everyone else I saw the influx into the U.S. of the Eastern Philosophies and religions. Being the book worm I am, they fascinated me and I wanted to know more about these other cultures, philosophies and religions.

I had not been exposed to the idea that there was at one time across the planet an amazingly documented history of the Divine Feminine. In the late 70’s at a trip to Mount Shasta I discovered the Golden Bough Book Store. To my sorrow it is no longer in existence but for much of the 80’s and 90’s this book store played and amazing part in my personal spiritual journey. The first part of the journey was on that very first trip I found a book called, When God Was a Woman, by Merlin Stone. Our family tradition was in the evening at the campsite I would read to the group. The discussions that occurred were terrific and I read everything from scifi, fiction, spirituality, biographies. Each family member was able to pick a book for our camping circle. You may imagine the lively discussions that developed over the idea that there was archaeological proof with regards to a Divine Feminine.


Later as the UCM Degree Program was developed we wanted to develop a program that truly allowed our students and ministers to find their personal path to the Divine and to serve their communities with open and compassionate hearts.

Once again I found myself at the Golden Bough Book Store and there, right on the shelf, was The Once and Future Goddess, by Elinor W. Gadon. Elinor W. Gadon is an art historian. Her specialty is Indian art and culture and the analysis of symbols in their cultural content. Ms. Gadon has taught at Harvard, Tufts, and the New School for Social Research. She resides in Berkeley, California.

She has brought her amazing skills to a book that informs us through art and symbols of the history of the Divine Feminine on this planet. Her journey covers the very ancient paleolithic past to our present time in a way that is informative, compassionate and truly beautiful. Personally I felt in reading this book that it called to a balance of the male and female rather than a confrontational approach against men that I have seen in other books on this topic. As a woman, mom, granny, minister and teacher, that balanced approached touched my heart and left me feeling hope for our planet.

I hope you take the time to journey with her. It is certainly an amazing path.

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.

Universal Church of the Master

Dean of Education

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

 UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon, 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112, (408) – Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes. Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Peace Meditation – Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9:00PM

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes – 7:00 to 9:00PM, Please enter through the back door. Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both.
Sunday Celebrations

March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day and spring time with Rev. Donna Zehnner. It’s time to renew our spirits! Spring is bringing us visual evidence of all the miracles in our lives, as the vibrant colors and blooms Spring forward. Also we will be honoring the life of St. Patrick and his history.

March 24 – Palm Sunday, Taize service with Revs. Felecia Mulvany and Janet Childs

March 31 – Easter with Rev. Virginia Essene

Classes at CCL

March 11 – 6:30 to 9:30 Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors of Homicide. (POMC) support group meets on the second Mondays of the month from 6:30 to 9:30. For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

March 13 – 10:30 to 12 noon SMILE Yoga with Laura $10

March 13 – 3:00 to 5:00 Reiki/Energy Healing with Laura

March 13 – 6:00 to 9:00 Lideres en Accion Class in Spanish. Please call Juan at (408)300-4247 for more info

March 14 – 7:00 to 9:00 Seven Gifts of Druidry. Gift #5: Opening to Other Realities with Dr. Ayleen Augustine, $20

March 15 – 7:00 to 9:00PM, Karma and Reincarnation class with Rev. Richard Jelusich

March 18 – 7:30 to 9:00 World Peace Meditation

March 19 – 6:45 to 8:30 Drum Circle with Norbeth

March 20 – 6:00 to 9:00 Lideres en Accion Class in Spanish. Please call Juan at (408)300-4247 for more info

Mar. 21 – 7:00 to 9:00 Affirm, Visualize & Manifest with Rev. Doti Boon ($15 or $25 for 2).

Mar. 22 – 7:00 to 9:00 Druid Celebration of Alban Eiler (Spring Equinox) ($20). Alban Eiler, which means, “Light of the Earth,” was the day that night and day stood equal.

March 23 – 1:00 to 5:00 Treasure Maps-Power of YOU with Rev. Donna Zehner ($30). Putting the divine power of YOU into practice. Please bring magazines to share and your own scissors.

March 30 – 3:00 to 5:00 Dye eggs and stuff bags

March 31 – 11:30 to 3:00 Egg Hunt and Free Brunch

April 4 – 7:00 to 9:00 Intro. to Reiki Healing with Reiki Master Regina Richmond ($15 or $25 for 2). Reiki Master Regina Richmond will discuss the benefits of Reiki and how it can apply to your everyday life.

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills, 303-288-0143, Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak, 3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714, 727-522-7133,, Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars, Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM, See website for full yoga schedule

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith, 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905

607-722-5569, Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work


UCM Members

Classes and Events

Reverend Eve Wilson

March 21 – Monthly Ascension Support Class – Receive Personal Ascension Support, embrace the new world you! Upgrades chakras, aura, Qabalah, DNA, etc.; download higher levels of your soul and integrate your wisdom, clear blocks, help integrate your own truth. Classes address individual process and pace. Advanced and beginners welcome. Rev. Eve, . Attend live by phone, skype or in person.

March 23 & 30th – Reiki III Master Certificate 10AM – 2 PM, Eve Wilson Reiki Master. Cost $450 two classes to certificate.

Alternate Tuesdays Beginning March 19 – The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate Tuesdays 7 – 10 PM. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet.   Much More. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,

April 16 – The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate Tuesdays 7 – 10 PM. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Much More. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,

April 24 – The Healer Development 101 – Intuition, Self Healing, Spiritual Boundaries and Protection, Clear Connections to Guides & Angels, Purifying Water, Healing Qabalah, Beginning Aura Reading, Chakra Tuning, Power Animals, More! 6 Wednesdays Start April 24, 7 – 9:30 PM. Attend live by phone, skype or in person. Rev. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,


Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM, An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM, Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112, Rev. April 408 289 9188, 

Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – gather 6:30pm cast circle 7pm, Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 408 289 9188, Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. What to bring: an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air. Spring Equinox/Ostara Mar 23, Beltane May 4, Summer Solstice/Litha June 23, Lammas Aug 3, Mabon/Fall Equinox Sept 2, Hallowmas Nov 2, Yule Dec 21 Goddess Spirituality Retreats – April 12-14 & Oct 4-6, $225- 275 includes food, lodging, and Ceremonies, RSVP April (408) 289-9188

Sabbat Celebrations and other Triple Goddess Rituals are facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical eco feminist Wisewoman. (408) 289-9188


Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D. Healers Training Classes and Webinars – Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness. March 16 & 17, 2013 – New Healers group starts in Monterey, CA April 13/14 & September 2013 – New group starts in Calgary Chakra Series Webinars- Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to


Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles – Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. For more information about Joy and her work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to her website or contact her for more information at


UCM Member Services

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.

Reverend Janna Jorne

Reverend Janna works with seniors, teaching them about the internet, computers and desktop publishing. She has several blogs dedicated to facilitating seniors in understanding ways through electronics to enhance the quality of their lives. Website. Addressing Seniors and baby boomers with other ways to create additional income for their senior years. Website. Assistance in an online business. Blog. Crossing the bridge from the old to the new including Christianity to a UCM Blog My walk in building an online business.
Reverend Elaine Henwood

StressFreed Counseling – Consulting, Coaching and Energy Healing is a one-on-one personal session to assist you in releasing stress and improving your life. It provides keys to unlock more potential by handling the source of stress that blocks balanced energy, health and creativity. The energy healing of Matrix Energetics Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 is also applied in sessions with clients. The sessions will be done on Skype or the phone. More information can be found on, or call 828-208-2805.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

 Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events.  See side bar for pricing. 

Sacred Times Newsletter

February 14, 2013

Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

February 2013

Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

It’s February, Love is in the air! Memories of February always bring out the kid in me. I was at the store the other day and walked by all the Valentine’s Day cards, some of them have become quite fancy. I was drawn to the small packet of heart shaped cards for kids. It reminded me of the cards we used to make to give to our friends with one line sayings along with the conversation heart candy.

In my head I am a young school girl again, with no particular cares in the world, and it is almost Valentine’s Day. However in reality, now I am sitting at my desk here at the office; having awoken to the news of a killer on the loose in Southern California, the murder of a number of people from a drug deal that went wrong, almost being hit by a car on the freeway coming to work, and the list goes go on and on. Personally, I liked being a school girl, excited for Valentine’s Day, rather than dealing with the fear and anger of what appears to be going on in the world today.

I remember why I am here; I came to bring Light and Love, and I can do that. It happens every time my heart beats; a spark of that Love and Light that each of us carries in our hearts, goes out and brings Light and Love to the World. I can add to that spark with my meditations and my everyday thoughts and I can see and feel the Light get stronger, and the Love replacing fear.

You know how when you are around some people, they charge you up with their energy and commitment, well when I think of Valentine’s Day, it is one way for me to recharge my heart with Light and Love in order for me to complete the work I came to do.

May each of you remember why you are here. Have a Wonderful Valentine’s Day.

With Light and Love,


The “Secret” to Manifestingby Rev. Suzanne M. AngeliRev Suzanne Angeli Jan 2013

I’m sure by now everyone has heard of the book and the movie “THE SECRET”, about how you can manifest anything you want in your life. I read the book and saw the movie when it came out in 2006, and gave manifesting a try. Sadly, I did not achieve the results it promised, so I disregarded it as just another one of those books geared to sell copies and make money.

However, after years of working to better myself, I came to understand more of what was needed in order to truly manifest what I wanted in my life. It wasn’t just about visualizing and wishing for what I wanted to manifest, but actually believing and feeling worthyof manifesting what I wanted. And all this stems from the mind.

Our brain consists of the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is our day to day reasoning mind and our subconscious is our inner tape recorder. It records all thoughts, feelings and experiences of life. Interesting to note our subconscious mind is running our day 90-95% of the time, which means we are basically living on auto pilot. This way frees up the conscious mind from having to relearn the things we do habitually; driving the car, brushing our teeth, etc.

Generally, up to the age of 6, the mind is structured to taking in information and storing it. This is the predominant brainwave pattern during this developmental stage. Without even realizing it, negative things said by others are recorded in the subconscious mind. Hearing or feeling things like; you are not good enough, life is hard, you are undeserving, etc., can begin to create a negative belief system within yourself.

Knowing this, it stands to reason that you can affirm and visualize and wish consciously all you want, but if you truly believe deep down inside at the subconscious level, that you are not deserving or worthy of what you want, it will not happen. The two minds are not in agreement and the subconscious will prevail.

So how do we change our negative subconscious thoughts? Since the subconscious mind is a tape recorder, we have to record over the negatives with positives. EFT tapping and brainwave entrainment can be very helpful.

EFT tapping utilizes one of the body’s energy systems. The meridian system was discovered by the Chinese many, many years ago and is the system also utilized during acupuncture or acupressure. By lightly tapping with the finger tips on certain meridian points around the head and neck, while bringing to mind a negative thought, feeling or memory, we are able to release it. Then we can record a positive thought, using affirmations, to start establishing or creating a positive belief system in the subconscious mind.

Brainwave entrainment can magnify tapping results. Sounds and music are used to ease the brain into different states of mind. According to Dr. Lee Bartel an expert in the field, “our brainwaves adjust to our sound environment so they vibrate in harmony”. The brainwave types are:

  • Alpha – relaxed state such as in meditation, yoga or tai chi.
  • Theta- deep meditation or in a dreaming or REM state.
  • Delta- dreamless sleep.
  • Beta- alert mind and daily functioning.

By playing music primarily in the alpha or theta range, it puts you in a relaxed or meditative state when the mind is more receptive to incoming messages. So by tapping while playing the music, you create the perfect environment for the new thoughts to be recorded in the subconscious mind.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of gratitude. Be grateful for all that you have and express it daily. Thank the Universe for what it has provided for you; thank the people around you for all that they do. And write it down. Writing or journaling is also beneficial to putting positives into the subconscious mind.

With the use of tapping, brainwave entrainment, positive affirmations, and gratitude, I now had the tools needed to manifest what I wanted in my life. Realize and know that the Universe has an unending supply for each and every one of us. We are all deserving and worthy of the abundance life has to offer. We are only limited by our own thoughts in our own mind.

Rev. Suzanne M. Angeli is a UCM ordained minister and spiritual healer practitioner, a Reiki Master, and has practiced meditation and Kriya yoga for over 10 years. She uses and has taught about tapping, relaxation, meditation, brainwave entrainment and energy balancing. She especially enjoys creating and performing unique wedding ceremonies. You can reach her by phone in Michigan 313-505-7958, by e-mail

or visit her website

Healing for Children

by Reverend Eve WilsonRev Eve Wilson Oct 2012

Reprinted with permission from Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine

Children bring us such joy and also present us with some of our deepest challenges. Truly, there is nothing a parent desires more than their child’s happiness, health and success in life and when any of that is missing it breaks our hearts. Taking a spiritual approach to healing a child is a gentle and rapid way to address issues of health and psychology that brings lasting improvement on every level.

When treating a child’s needs through spiritual healing, a skilled intuitive healer can connect telepathically with the child and have a parent on the phone to provide concrete information and feedback. This is much easier for the child than sitting through an appointment in someone’s office. But more importantly, when you talk with someone telepathically you can access higher levels of consciousness where they understand the issues and can clarify them for you. Telepathy allows the healer to work directly with the aspects of the soul that are damaged where and when the wounding occurred.

For instance, where a child has had a bad reaction to an immunization shot, the healer can go to the moment before the injection was given and invite healing of the medicine itself prior to being given and clear negative effects before they occurred. Then they can work with the child’s body, aura and soul to undo the negative effects that they have suffered with a fair degree of ease and speed. I’ve seen fantastic results with this for children who had life-threatening immune system reactions to such shots where the doctors were surprised and thrilled that a child’s recovery took an unexpectedly positive direction after such a healing. Also with children who have had cognitive and personality changes due to immunizations and allergic responses to other medicines I have had wonderful fedback from parents and grandparents who were happy to have their children return to their sweet and intelligent selves following spiritual healing work.

This approach is usually effective for children who have suffered traumas of any kind. For instance in treating emotional trauma due to death in the family, divorce, violence, abuse, abandonment or anything which generates a strong emotion that creates an irresolvable conflict within the child, spiritual healing can give the most complete improvements with the smallest investment. Parents report improvements in areas of self-confidence, motivation and relationships with others on a consistent basis.

There are also situations where a child has contracted for a certain set of limitations and in those instances they may not be resolved immediately, but we can help the child and parents to work successfully with those situations for the greatest ease and good for all involved.

Children are wonderful to work with in this way, because they are usually very open and willing. As with everyone, they have a journey that their life has taken for their soul’s growth and learning and often also for the growth of their parents and family members. So a spiritual healing may also address hereditary issues and the social aspects of their family dynamics. Often these issues can be addressed successfully, bringing a greater sense of peace and unity to the family and freedom and wholeness to the individuals.

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live Skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635


UCM Book of the Month

The Power of Myth

Rev Angela DeBry 2008I am happy to say that thanks to the community outreach being done by UCM Headquarters and our wonderful members we are having new individuals reaching out to UCM for additional information on both the Accredited Degree and Ministerial Credentialing Programs.

As a part of their inquiries I am often asked how the Education Committee choose the books for the Degree Program. The Degree Program was developed from my personal credentialing program. Solar Cross “A New Beginning” was my UCM Charter and it was a California Postsecondary School and Wellness Center as well as a continuing education provider for nurses. The mission statement was to introduce spiritual healing models or complementary modalities to the western healthcare community, to empower those who were ill with additional tools for managing the illness, and to teach my ministerial students that each individual they worked with was a part of the Divine.

Being a minister to me involves service, personal responsibility and creating a sacred space for everyone you work with. It is important to realize carrying the title of Minister or Reverend holds a sacred trust spiritually and legal requirements at the human level.

I wanted to create dialogue and chose to do this by creating a curriculum that combined my ministerial students with nurses and to this mix I added individuals challenged with critical illness. Those who were dealing with illness were offered the program at no charge.

From the astounding dialogue that occurred, the Degree Program was born. It was originally used by Solar Cross “A New Beginning” as a remote credentialing program and later became the Associate and Bachelor Degree for UCM. The intent then and now is to create a personal vision quest for each student via the choice of curriculum and their interaction with degree staff.

UCM is a multi-faith organization and does not mandate a specific path. The degree program allows the student to be introduced to teachings from around our globe. They find what resonates with them and by doing so creates their personal path to the Divine and thus their ministry.

Once a month via the Sacred Times I will introduce you to some of the books that are a part of the degree program. Hopefully as we journey you will find that you might be called to the ministry and whether you choose the Degree or Credentialing Programs we are happy to have you as a part of the UCM family.

The first book in the Associate Program is The Power of Myth, by Joseph Campbell. Joseph Campbell 1904-1987 was, in my opinion, one of the great mythologist, folk and symbolist teachers of our time. His information is still being taught in schools today and I would encourage you to visit his foundation,

This particular book teaches that myth has been used for centuries by humanity to educate, inform, create a cohesive society and show our children and ourselves how to be better humans and members of society. Joseph Campbell, in my opinion, also does a terrific job of showing how cultures who have lost their myths lose their cultural identity and how if this culture does not develop another myth there is a break down of the society. Most of the students are fascinated to learn that George Lucas brought Joseph Campbell to his Skywalker Ranch to learn more about myth and the hero’s journey as he created Star Wars. There are significant archetypes used throughout the Star Wars storyline. I like to think of Lucas as creating, in his own way, a myth for our times.

Part of the Degree Program study of this book is to allow the student to delve into their societal, family and personal myths. We all have them and they define and inform our lives whether we realize it or not. When we understand this, I believe we truly begin our personal vision quest.

Stay tuned for next months book as we review The Once and Future Goddess.

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.

Universal Church of the Master

Dean of Education

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon, 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112, (408) – Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes. Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Peace Meditation – Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9pm

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes – Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door. Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door, Jan. 17 – Spiritually in UCM with Rev. Doti Boon

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills, 303-288-0143, Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak, 3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714, 727-522-7133,, Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars. Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM, See website for full yoga schedule

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith, 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905, 607-722-5569, Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work


UCM Members

Reverend Eve Wilson

Thursday March 21 – Monthly Ascension Support Class – Receive Personal Ascension Support, embrace the new world you! Upgrades chakras, aura, Qabalah, DNA, etc.; download higher levels of your soul and integrate your wisdom, clear blocks, help integrate your own truth. Classes address individual process and pace. Advanced and beginners welcome. Rev. Eve Wilson, . Attend live by phone, skype or in person.

Saturday March 23 & 30th – Reiki III Master Certificate 10AM – 2 PM, Eve Wilson Reiki Master. Cost $450 two classes to certificate.

Alternate Tuesdays Beginning March 19 – The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification. 28 classes meet alternate Tuesdays 7 – 10 PM. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Ascension. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet.   Much More. Eve Wilson 734-780-7635,

Wednesday April 24 – The Healer Development 101– Intuition, Self Healing, Spiritual Boundaries and Protection, Clear Connections to Guides & Angels, Purifying Water, Healing Qabalah, Beginning Aura Reading, Chakra Tuning, Power Animals, More! 6 Wednesdays Start April 24, 7 – 9:30 PM Eastern Time. Attend live by phone, skype or in person. Rev. Eve Wilson

Minister Maryellen De Vine

Tap into Your Soul’s Calling – Starts February 20th. This 6 week tele-program will help you break through the blocks that keep you struggling in your soul-centered business. Share your unique gifts more fully and take your business to the next level to reach sacred success! We will use Angelic EFT to release fears and beliefs so you can be confident in sharing your True Brilliance. Learn more and get the Early Bird discount.

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM, An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. Feb18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM, Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112, Rev. April 408 289 9188 or

Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – gather 6:30pm cast circle 7pm, Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 408 289 9188, Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. What to bring: an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air. Spring Equinox/Ostara Mar 23, Beltane May 4, Summer Solstice/Litha June 23, Lammas Aug 3, Mabon/Fall Equinox Sept 2, Hallowmas Nov 2, Yule Dec 21

Goddess Spirituality Retreats – April 12-14 & Oct 4-6, $225- 275 includes food, lodging, and Ceremonies, RSVP April (408) 289-9188

Sabbat Celebrations and other Triple Goddess Rituals are facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical eco feminist Wisewoman. (408) 289-9188 oraprillussier@sbcglobal.net

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.

March 16 & 172013 – New group starts in Monterey, CA

April 13/14 & September 2013 – New group starts in Calgary

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

Introduction to Spiritual Healing – February 27, 2013, 7:00PM, $20.00 per person, Unity Church of Calgary – 2035 26A Street SW

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles – Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. For more information about Joy and her work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to her website or contact her for more information at

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

 Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events. 

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Sacred Times

January 15, 2013
 Sacred Times
                                            Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

January 2013


  Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012 New Year’s Greetings to you all!

May this year be filled with Light and Love for each of you.

May you dance on your pathway of life sharing your Light of Love with all you encounter, doing what you love.

With Light and Love, Sandy

Spiritual Clearing Cycles

1987 – 2015

Legacy of the Harmonic Convergence

  By Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D, D.D.

Once again Dale and I have had an opportunity to spendRev Angela DeBry 2008  some time at Mount Shasta. Most of our friends know this is really a sacred place to our family. We started backpacking there in 1975 and continued throughout our kid’s childhood. The Golden Bough Bookstore has been the place where many revelations have come to me. Once again while in meditation at Panther Meadows it came to me that it was important to take a look at the next cycles of energy that we would be seeing on the earth.

My interests in the cycles began during the Harmonic Convergence when so many legends about the Rainbow Tribes were being written and talked about. These individuals, according to legend, would be awakened to help Earth in a time of great need. This Rainbow Tribe legend seemed very important to me back in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Now with Global Warming it seems almost prophetic to speak of these individuals. It seems that this awakening or birthing if you will takes time, energy and yes, for those of you who are Moms, it take birthing pains. We birth our own clearing process and in doing so we birth the clearing process for the planet. We birth new energies and new paradigms to work with. These energies are supportive, meant to help the Earth and all of us on her to cleanse and clear. Okay, I can hear many of you yelling, “I can’t take how things have speeded up now”. Yes, you can!

Remember we are here physically to ground into the planet “physically” these sacred energies. We all have lots of support from Guidance, Spirit, God/Goddess, Great Spirit, Buddha, Allah and any other spiritual guidance or model that you embrace. As spiritual groups and individual’s travel from Sacred Space to Sacred Space we imprint these energies onto the Earth’s grid work and facilitate a filter on Earth so that the new energies will be incorporated in a less intense manner.

Remember our goal is to reach a 20% spiritual consciousness on the planet. That level allows us to reach a place on the planet of symbiosis and tolerance. This is a spiritual as well as physical place where we can agree to disagree, a place where we can find global solutions to the challenges facing Earth and all the life forms on her. As we clear, Earth clears.

Know that we have the ability if we work together and know that in each age of change there are pathfinders and leaders. The family of UCM has been a pathfinder and leader as far back as 1908. We allowed women ministers when other churches did not. We embraced our diversity and gifts of Spirit. We are a powerful family with great abilities. We are being given the opportunity to take a message of tolerance, understanding, diversity, and peace into the world. We aren’t fighting about whose God/Goddess is bigger, better, more truthful, right or wrong. We are embracing all manifestations of Spirit on this planet. We are choosing to no longer be the best kept secret on the planet.

Cycle 1.             August 17       March 17

Physical               1987               1988

Cellular               1988               1989

Emotional            1989               1990

Mental                 1990               1991

Spiritual              1991               1994

For the second cycle the energy is magnified by 100,000

Cycle 2.

Physical               1994               1995

Cellular                1995               1996

Emotional             1996               1997

Mental                  1997               1998

Spiritual               1998                2001

For the third cycle the energy then squares itself.

Cycle 3.

Physical                2001                 2002

Cellular                2002                 2003

Emotional             2003                 2004

Mental                  2004                 2005

Spiritual               2005                 2008

For the fourth cycle the energy squares once again.

Cycle 4.

Physical                2008                2009

Cellular                2009                2010

Emotional             2010                2011

Mental                  2011                2012

Spiritual               2012                2015

During the second portion of the spiritual cycle we complete it with six weeks of energy from each of the 13 rays.

Red – 08/17/13 – 09/28/13

Physical Grounding Energy

Orange – 09/28/13 – 11/09/13

Physical Creative Energy

Yellow  – 11/09/13 – 12/21/13

Physical Power Energy

Green – 12/21/13 – 02/01/14

Physical Healing Energy

Rose – 02/01/14 – 03/15/14

Emotional Healing Energy

Translucent Blue – 03/15/14 – 04/26/14

Emotional Communication Energy

Indigo – 04/26/14 – 06/07/14

Mental Psychic/Logical Energy

Violet – 06/07/14 – 07/19/14

Mental/Spiritual Energy

Silver – 07/19/14 – 08/30/14

Spiritual Feminine Energy

Gold – 08/30/14 – 10/11/14

Spiritual Masculine Energy

Clear – 10/11/14 – 11/22/14

Spiritual Clarity Energy

White – 11/22/14 – 01/03/15

Spiritual Protective Energy

Black – 01/03/15 – 02/14/15

Spiritual Movement Energy

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D., Dean of Education

Reverend DeBry, Ph.D. received her Doctorate of Holistic Health from Clayton College of Holistic Medicine and her Doctor of Divinity from UCM.

Reverend DeBry received her Licentiate Minister Certificate from UCM in 1988, and became an Ordained Minister in 1989. In 1989 Reverend DeBry started a UCM Chartered church, Solar Cross “A New Beginning”. She also created Solar Cross “A New Beginning” Postsecondary School and Wellness Center, along with a California Board of Registered Nursing continuing education program.

Reverend DeBry has been a Certified Pastoral Addictions Counselor, of the National Association of Forensic Counselors, and has been an elected board member of Universal Church of the Master Board of Trustees 1999 – 2011.

Rev Eve Wilson Oct 2012A Peaceful InterludeBy Reverend Eve WilsonReprinted with permission from Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazinewww.bodymindspiritguide.comWhen you need a break but don’t have much time, take a 10 – 15 minute time lapse vacation! You’ll come back relaxed and ready to face the world. It’s guaranteed to refresh you and help you find your center. Let me tell you how!1) Find a quiet place, even if it’s just in a parked car with the seat tipped back or the only room in your house with a lock on the door (the bathroom) has been used to good effect in necessity! You’re only going to need a few minutes, so it’s no problem.

2) Close your eyes and breathe into your belly and sink down into yourself, letting the outer world go for just a bit. From deep within ask yourself this question: Where would I like to be right now? The first thing that comes up usually works, although you may choose otherwise if you like.

3) Go to that place with all of your feelings and imagination. Taste it, smell it, see it, feel it, be there…

4) Ask yourself how long you need to be there in order to find your center of peace and balance within. You might need a week, or a month or three years…whatever!

5) Imagine the days and nights passing, with the rising and setting of the sun, with activities that you love, experience them as fully as your imagination allows. Let yourself feel the time passing and you will get more and more relaxed.

Your emotional/feeling self doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality and time is always right now, so you can spend a year and a half in your imagination while only spending 15 minutes in real time. Yet, you will relax deeply and feel refreshed as though much time had passed. Just tell yourself that you are spending lots of time by imagining it passing with the rising and setting of the sun, the light and the dark of day and night, sleeping and waking, eating and playing, sunbathing…whatever!

Really let yourself go into the experience but you don’t need to have all the details, your unconscious will fill those in or do fine without them. Definitely don’t bother imagining the planning, packing bags, paying for anything…those you can leave out of your imagination. Just do the fun part!

Stay with this until you feel ready to come back to your life.

During one challenging period of my life, I felt like I needed 3 years off in a favorite place that is far away; I needed to be alone without working, without my child, just space for me. Since that wasn’t an option, I took two 15 min. time lapse vacations over two days. After the second one I felt like I could return to my life, fulfill my contracts here in Michigan and be at peace with that choice. I no longer needed to escape.

Since then I have taught this exercise to lots of other stressed out people and they have found it to be a wonderfully peaceful interlude that refreshed them and allowed them to find peace within selves, with the people they loved and the people they worked with. I hope you will find it beneficial too!

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon, 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112, (408) – Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes. Visit for more information and a full calendar of events.

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Peace Meditation – Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9pm

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes – Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door. Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door, Jan. 17 – Spiritually in UCM with Rev. Doti Boon

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills, 303-288-0143, Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak, 3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714, 727-522-7133,, Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars. Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM, See website for full yoga schedule

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith, 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905, 607-722-5569, Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

UCM Members

Reverend Eve Wilson

Healer Development 101 – meets 6 Wednesdays beginning April 24th 7-9:30 PM

Intuition Development, Self-Healing and Empowerment, Clear, Unconditionally Loving Spiritual Connections, Psychic Boundaries and Sacred Space, Chakras, Intro to Auras, Healing Qabalah and Archangels, Power Animals, Tuning Crystals and Stones, Much More! Attend in person, by phone or live internet skype connection. Distant participants can feel right in the classroom through our classroom mic. Cost $ 300 or $280 in advance. Rev. Eve Wilson, Instructor., , Ann Arbor, MI.

Healer & Ascension Certification Course – meets alternate Tuesdays beginning January 29th 7-10 PM.

UCM Healer Practitioner Certification – 28 classes meet one weeknight 7 – 10 PM Eastern Standard Time every other week for 13 months. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Personal and Planetary Ascension, Much More. Eve Wilson –, Ann Arbor, MI.

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM, An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. Jan 21, Feb18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM, Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112, Rev. April 408 289 9188 or

Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – gather 6:30pm cast circle 7pm, Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 408 289 9188, Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. What to bring: an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air. Candlemas/Imbolic Jan 27, Spring Equinox/Ostara Mar 23, Beltane May 4, Summer Solstice/Litha June 23, Lammas Aug 3, Mabon/Fall Equinox Sept 2, Hallowmas Nov 2, Yule Dec 21

Goddess Spirituality Retreats – April 12-14 & Oct 4-6, $225- 275 includes food, lodging, and Ceremonies, RSVP April (408) 289-9188

Sabbat Celebrations and other Triple Goddess Rituals are facilitated by Rev. April Lussier; metaphysical eco feminist Wisewoman. (408) 289-9188 oraprillussier@sbcglobal.net

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles – Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. For more information about Joy and her work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to her website or contact her for more information at

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

 Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events. 

UCM Sacred Times Newsletter

December 11, 2012
           Sacred Times
                                                       Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
 Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Blvd Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128

 Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

December 2012

  Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

I love this time of the year, magic is in the air. I remember as a child being so excited about Santa’s upcoming arrival and the joy of anticipation. In addition my mother baked cookies, it seemed like every day, and the house always smelled so good!

Magic was in the air for me. Going outside at night and seeing the lights on the houses and trees made me feel like I was in fairy land (to be honest it still does!).

I was shopping earlier this month and found an elf that seems so real to me, I could not leave him at the store, plus he goes very well with a reindeer that I found last year. I decided to bring them to the office and put them on my desk since I seem to be here more than I am home, and let them share their magic with everyone who comes into the office.

elf & moose 2012

The other day I was sent the following email. I do not know the author but wanted to share this with all of you.

Recently I overheard a father and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the father said, “I love you, and I wish you enough”.


The daughter replied, “Dad, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too dad.”


They kissed and the daughter left. The father walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking “Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?”


“Yes I have” I replied. “Forgive me for asking; but why is this time a forever good-bye?” “I am old, and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is – the next trip back will be for my funeral,” he said.

When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, “I wish you enough.” May I ask what that means? He began to smile. “That’s a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone…” He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and he smiled even more. “When we said, I wish you enough we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them.” Then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.


I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.

I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.

I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.


He then began to cry and walked away.

My gift to you is I wish you enough as as we enter this Holiday Season.

With Light and Love,


Rev Eve Wilson Oct 2012A Foundation for LoveBy Reverend Eve Wilson

Reprinted with permission from Body Mind Spirit Guide

Seek love first within your own heart. Find it in the little things in your days and nights. Find it in the bathroom mirror, when you look into your own eyes and remember that the eternal and divine is within you and within everything.

Love is a way of being and a way of interacting with life, where you make every act significant and every moment a gift to the creator.

If God lived within you (and he/she does) what would God do today? How would he/she respond to your circumstances?

Love yourself when you are angry because anger is fear that we aren’t loved and safe. So, open to that place within yourself where you recognize that your fear is a child and love yourself where you are small and wounded. Forgive yourself for being unkind when you feel this way. You are precious and divine.

Give thanks for the things in life that stress you out, they are your greatest teachers. They ask you to find muscles and courage and power that you didn’t believe you owned. Being God in human form, all things exist within you in potential, but you may need to work harder to realize some gifts that you haven’t already mastered.

Remember that you are eternal and unbreakable and a one of a kind gift of the creator.

Listen to the still, small voice within. If it tells you that something is not what it seems, honor your inner wisdom. If it seems too good to be true, give it time, wait for it to reveal itself fully. If it feels right, but looks wrong, investigate further and ask – is this perhaps a step in the right direction, but perhaps not what I ultimately desire? Don’t believe your eyes and your ears if your inner self tells you otherwise. Within you is the ability to know the truth, even though you don’t know how you know. Trust this; it is your most precious gift. Pay attention.

You are a precious gift of the divine and every moment, every circumstance, every act is an opportunity to master the gift that is your life. Be thankful for that. It is only through living through the days and nights of our lives that we realize the innate power that we possess.

Being yourself is the only opportunity you have to know God. If you try to be what someone else wants you to be, if you judge yourself for being different, you miss the point and you waste your time. You are exactly perfect in each moment, exactly as you are. Who you are right now is the foundation for who you will be tomorrow. You don’t have to be the pinnacle of perfection in an ultimate sense. Build on what is genuine and you will find fulfillment, joy and love.

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

janet pharesMusic: What is Moving and Shaking in Your World?By Reverend Janet Phares

Recorded history, as well as ancient archeological acoustical evidence, indicates that music has played a spiritual role in civilizations throughout the world. There may be a multitude of reasons for humanities interest in music, for example curiosity must have happened when certain vibrations were made and intense feelings were stimulated; the euphoria that is experienced which activated altered states of consciousness and yet others have seen miracles of healing take place during certain musical ceremonies. Current research is showing that the ancients knew a lot about vibrations and the effects on the human consciousness and body. One thing for sure music creates vibrations that effect humans spiritually, as well as physically.

What is Music?

According to Hazrat Inayat Khan in his book The Mysticism of Sound and Music, he states:

According to the esoteric standpoint, music is the beginning and end of the universe. All actions and movements made in the visible and invisible world are musical. That is: they are made up of vibrations pertaining to a certain plane of existence. 1

Further into Khan’s book he talks about:

“…the origin of the whole creation is in movement, in other words: in vibration. It is this original state of the existence of life which is called in the ancient tradition sound, or the word. The first manifestation of this sound is therefore audible, the next manifestation visible. In the forms of expression of life, life has expressed itself first as sound, next as light. This is supported by the Bible where it is said that first was the word, and then came light. Again one finds in a Sura of the Qur’an: ‘God is the light of the heaven and the earth’.2

According to the Sanskrit thinkers there are three aspects of music: singing, playing and dancing. All three represent rhythm, and all three represent tone in some form or other. And what is the effect of music? The effect of music is to regularize the rhythm and to tune a person to the music that is being performed…It is the tone of that music which tunes the soul, and raises it above the depression and despair of everyday life in this world. If one knew what rhythm is needed for a particular individual in his trouble and despair, what tone is needed, and to what tone that person’s soul should be raised, then one could heal a person with music…There was a time in India when music was used for healing. It was healing for the mind, for the character, and healing for the soul. For it is health of the soul that brings health to the physical body, but healing of the physical body does not always help the soul…3

There is an ancient Hermetic Principle which states that the universe is nothing but vibrations. Many ancient Mystery Schools stressed the importance of color and sound and training the senses to feel subtle vibrations of the universe. This is currently active in Mystery Schools today.

The Use of Spiritual Music throughout Human History

Current research in acoustical archeology is realizing that ancient temples were built with sound vibrational chambers; many made with sacred geometry connected to the dimensions of the human body. Some sound chambers when activated bring an individual into an altered state very rapidly, a state in which healing and divine contact can be experienced. Within these chambers all vibrations interact with each other and develop resonant frequencies. Many researchers have discovered that every organ, bone and tissue in our body has its own separate resonant frequency. Together they make up a composite frequency, a harmonic that is our own personal vibratory signature. This signature encircles our whole body as a field, which is called an aura.

The different rhythms of the body may be changed through sound. This is known as entrainment. This involves the ability of one powerful rhythmic vibration to change a less powerful rhythmic vibration and eventually synchronize their rhythms and merge together creating a different sound.

Indigenous civilizations from past to present have utilized drumming, singing and dancing in their sacred ceremonies. Through sound, such as chanting, overtone singing, drumming and fluting it is possible to change the rhythmic pattern of our brain waves, as well as our heart beat and respiration.

Click Here to Read More

For more then 15 years, Reverend Janet Phares has played Native American flutes at memorial services, meditations, ordinations, private spiritual gatherings, land blessings and other sacred ceremonies.  Janet has shared her flute playing with hospital patients around the Bay Area, at the library during children’s story time, The San Jose Blind Center, as well as The Candle Lighting Ceremony for The Center for Living with Dying and Parents of Murdered Children.  She has been invited to play her music at Spiritual Conferences and comes to you with a deep reverence for her musical ministry.

Rev Jack Schwartz


By Reverend Jack Schwarz

I want to lay hold of rainbow’s end,

and track it upward over the bend

to where its magical colors blend.

In the sheen of the infinite sea

to always have faith in thee.

I want to see in the violet eyes

the mystic glory of sunset skies,

and share the ages’ stark surprise,

such health it then would be,

for always there for me to see.

I want to know whence truth is sown,

from what fair flower is beauty blown,

where justice build her royal throne.

For Universal sway

truth always is there to stay.

And who it is that lights the star,

the planets – Venus, Neptune, Mars.

Who lifts the night’s strong prison bars,

let’s in the golden day,

be it so always, as it may.

I want to win my heart this world,

Its every banner and flag unfurled.

As from the Creator’s hand it whirled

on its ageless quest,

for always to show its best.

Share the passion of human-kind,

the power of will and mind,

delve to life’s inmost realms to find,

their light and Love,

as is always and always in the above.

Reverend Jack Schwarz – humanitarian, educator, philosopher, naturopath, also known as legendary pointrider and master, was the first holistic health educator for integrating the whole person – body, brain, mind, and spirit. He was an internationally-recognized authority on voluntary controls and human energy systems. He was a subject, researcher, and consultant at major biomedical and life science research centers in the United States and Europe. He Founded in 1958 The Aletheia Psycho-Physical Foundation as a non-profit organization dedicated to self-health research and education to bring forth the integration of body, brain, mind and spirit. For more information about him and his work visit the Aletheia website at Reverend Schwarz made his transition in 2000.

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Dec. 09 “Hanukkah” with Rev. Anne Corbin, Rev. Janet Childs and others

Dec. 16 Winter Solstice, Yule, or as the Druids say, “Alban Arthan”, Welsh for “Light of Arthur” or more generally referred to as “Light of Winter” is the Druidic celebration of the Winter Solstice. Join our own Dr. Ayleen Augustine; she is a Druid, as she shares the wonder and profound insights that come through this, the longest night of the year. This festival is not only a final release of what did not serve from the previous year, but also an opportunity to experience the magic that happens when Winter releases its hold, bringing hope and light to the world.

Dec. 23 “Gifts of the Magi” with Revs. Doti Boon and Bea Baechle

Dec. 30 “Kwanzaa”

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC) support group meets the second Monday of every month

from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.


Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish) Call Juan at 408-30-4247 for more info.
Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM
Doti’s Thursday Night Classes

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door.

Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door
Dec. 11 – 6:45 to 8:45 – Coat Drive and $10 if you stay for crafts.
Dec. 12 – 3:00 to 5:00 – Energy Healing and REIKI circlewith Laura Marshall.
Dec. 12 – 6:00 to 7:00 – SMILE YOGA with Laura Marshall $10/class
Dec. 13 – 7:00 to 9:00 – DRUIDRY – Gift #6: Developing Your Potential $25
Dec. 14 – 3:00 to 5:00 – Deck the Center with Holiday Cheer
Dec. 16 – 3:00 – Angelic Heart Healing with Rev. Bec Thompson accompanied by Jessica May on the bowls. FREE
Dec. 18 – 6:45 to 8:45 – Holiday Treat Drum Circle
Dec. 20 – 7:00 to 9:00 – Spirituality: Gifts of the Holiday with Rev. Doti Boon $15
Dec. 21 – 7:00 to 9:00 – Druidic Celebration of Alban Arthuan with Dr. Ayleen and Druiry Gift #7: Magic and Graduation. $10 Refreshments will be provided
Jan. 17 – 7:00 to 9:00 – Spiritually in UCM with Rev. Doti Boon $15
2012 Peace Meditation
Dec 17 – 7:30 to 9:00
Dec. 31 at 4:00am
Dec. 31 at 8:00pm
Dec. 31 10:00pm – Out with the Old and In with the New Celebration
2013 Peace Meditation
Third Monday of every month from 7:30 to 9pm, at CCL starting January 21, facilitated by Rev. April Lussier

Go to for more information and for full calendar of events

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills

Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM

See website for full yoga schedule

Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month


UCM Members

Reverend Janet Childs

Light of Lights Candle Lighting CeremonyWednesday, 12-12-12, 6:30 to 8:30. Location: Church of the Valley, 400 N. Winchester Blvd.Santa Clara, CA.Presented by The Centre for Living with Dying of Bill Wilson Center. Sponsored by San Jose Fire Department

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation– 7:30-9:00PM,

An evening focusing our energy and prayers for Divine intervention of peace and harmony for all life on the planet. Bring the concerns heavy on your heart to be placed in the circle of prayers and healing. The Gathering will include chanting, guided meditation, prayer work and inspirational music by Rev Janet Childs. 2012: Dec 17, Dec 31, 2012* 4:00AM early morning of the last day of the year.

2013: Jan 21, Feb18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, Aug 19, Sept 16, Oct 21, Nov 18, Dec 16, *Dec 31 at 4AM. Rev. April 408 289 9188 ofaprillussier@sbcglobal.netLocation: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without. Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar visit Our Lady of Guadalupe and Global Healing Circle Dec. 14, 2012 at 7:00PM. Are you concerned about the state of our world? Would you like to do something about it? We will call upon Our Lady of Guadalupe and join our hearts with hers to send love and healing out into the world. Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave., San Mateo, CA. Manifest Your Abundant 2013 December 28, 2012 from 6:30 to 8:30PM, $15 in Advance, $20 at the door. Have rocky economic years made you question your ability to provide comfortably for yourself and your family? If this is you, then this powerful full moon circle with the loving and generous Hindu deities Lakshmi and Ganesha will help you get back on track and set up your entire year for true abundance. Open to all genders.

Full Moon Circle with Lakshmi and Ganesha. Led by Joy Reichard and Marguerite Rigoglioso. Location: Unitarian Universalist Congregation. 300 E Santa Inez, San Mateo. For more information and/or to register visit Featuring Poet Sherri Rose-Walke, Accompanied by Patrice Haan, Harper. Location: Unitarian Congregation, 300 East Santa Inez Ave, San Mateo, CA. For more information about me and my work as a Transformational and Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Guidance Counselor go to my You can contact Joy for more information at

Reverend Richard Jelusich,

Healers Training Classes and Webinars Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness. Chakra Series Webinars Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to 

Reverend Eve Wilson

Healer & Ascension Certification Coursemeets alternate Tuesdays beginning January 29th 7-10 PM. UCM Healer Practitioner Certification– 28 classes meet one weeknight 7 – 10 PM Eastern Standard Time every other week for 13 months. Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Personal and Planetary Ascension, Much More. Eve Wilson –, Ann Arbor, MI. Healer Development 101meets 6 Wednesdays beginning April 24th 7-9:30 PM. Intuition Development, Self-Healing and Empowerment, Clear, Unconditionally Loving Spiritual Connections, Psychic Boundaries and Sacred Space, Chakras, Intro to Auras, Healing Qabalah and Archangels, Power Animals, Tuning Crystals and Stones, Much More! Attend in person, by phone or live internet skype connection. Distant participants can feel right in the classroom through our classroom mic. Cost $ 300 or $280 in advance. Rev. Eve Wilson, Instructor. 734-780-7635,, Ann Arbor, MI.

Reverend Jane Unland New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth” Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.


Non UCM Member Classes and Events

Contact us at 408.370.6519 or staff@u-c-m.orgif you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events

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Join Our Mailing List
 About UCM 

UCM was founded as a church in which members are encouraged to develop and exercise their spiritual powers. We discourage adherence to rigid dogmas and tenets, believing that each person must find and travel his/her own path in the Light, and that no single set of fixed rules is applicable to everyone in their spiritual quest.

From its earliest years, UCM has emphasized spiritual healing, prophecy and demonstrations of the continuity of life beyond the transition commonly called “death”. As we move closer to world unity and a new age of Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood, UCM is now placing greater attention upon training and developing the spiritual powers of its ministers to bring us into this new “Golden Age”.

UCM Educational       Programs  


UCM Ordained Minister Sponsored Program

  • Healer Practitioner Certification
  • Licentiate Minister Certification
  • Ordained Minister Certification

Healer Practitioners and Licentiate Ministers – administer and perform Divine healing, to give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages and instruction, and to teach the gospel of Christ and Universal Truth.

Ordained Ministers (Reverend) – perform all the duties of a licentiate minister, plus marriage ceremonies, christenings, baptism, funeral and memorial services.

Reverends may sponsor students for the ministry and may hold UCM Church Charters.

Accredited Degree Program

  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Doctor of Divinity

Accredited by Accrediting Commission International, Inc.

Registered with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, Religious Exemption #7472210

For more information visit

We welcome your articles.

Those of you who would like to contribute a short article on your particular ritual, experience, or idea that are sacred to your spiritual practice please email

When submitting your short article, please also give written permission for UCM to use your article along with any contact information and/or photograph you would like displayed with that article.

UCM Members

Classes and Events


Are you a member of UCM?

Would you like your classes and events posted in the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter?

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month.

Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description to

with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.




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Universal Church of the Master

1361 S. Winchester Blvd. Suite 115

San Jose CA 95128


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Universal Church of the MasterIn service to humanity since 1908

UCM Sacred Times Newsletter

November 9, 2012
Sacred Times
                         Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
 Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Blvd Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128
Presidents Message

Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

November 2012

Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

I have recently been reminded of some old lessons I thought I had worked through but as we know we are only able to get in touch and let go of part of them. Sometimes a bigger chunk more than others, but we keep getting the opportunity to give it another go so to speak. I like to say that is what life is all about. No time table, we have a lifetime.

I was quite mad at myself because I had found myself in a place I thought I had already worked through. It is easy to get sucked back in. I have always felt it was spirits way of asking “did I really want to let go of my old beliefs.”

The good part of my story is that I recognized what had happened (well to be truthful the recognition came after being hit on the head by a two by four) and have been able to stop that backward, to me, motion. The difficult part now, is that I am in new territory, and learning how to walk again!

I know I am not the only one in this situation. With the changes in energy surrounding all of us, we are all learning to walk again.

May all our baby steps become giant leaps of Faith.

In Light and Love,


The Era of 2012and the Age of Inner TransformationRichard Jelusich

By Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

It is the era of 2012; the time of the Inner Transformation. As the advanced teachings of ancient cultures like the Mayans, there really is an alignment to the Galactic Center and periodic alignments of planets, solar systems and galaxies do induce the transformation of consciousness to a higher state of being.

It really is true that you are a luminous being of light who also possesses a physical presence. It really is true that December 21st is the end of a 5115 year cycle, a 26,000 year cycle, and a 62 million year cycle. It really is true that you and 7 billion of your fellow spirits have incarnated in this era to participate in the mass inner transformation to a higher state of being that is very little like the reality we are experiencing now.

It is true that there is a photon belt and a huge magnetic bubble that our solar system is approaching. It is true that increased magnetic fields induce greater mental acuity, memory and psychic abilities. It is true that advanced human civilization goes back more than 6,000 years, to many millions of years in the past. Yet many in the U.S. believe the Earth to be only 6,000 years old.

It is true that we are experiencing more rapid growth in the past 60 years than we have in the past 600 years.

Where is the 2012 era headed?

A birth is not without some kind of labor pains, and the newness of one’s birth is like nothing that came before. As we appear to be approaching the limits of our abilities to absorb and integrate information in our minds, so also there are many distractions because of our information era as well. We are IN the golden age: it is transpiring as we speak.

The 2012 era is not apocalyptic or catastrophic. It is not the movie actor John Cusak heading for the Himilayas to get on the arc in the face of impending tsunamis and massive earthquakes. It is not the end of the world, magnetic pole reversal, solar flares and E.T.’s.

2012 is indeed about earthquakes, but they are earthquakes of your mind, not the planet. The ancients, who were you, knew about the cyclicalities and periodicities of space/time. They understood their luminous nature and that in the physical dimension there would be certain alignments of planets, solar systems and galaxies that would be ‘punctuated equilibrium’: moments in space/time that would facilitate a rise in consciousness, IF the people were focused on their true spiritual nature, and not only on the physical dimension.

Read More

Rev. Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Trustee, UCM

Dr. Jelusich is an author, teacher, gifted intuitive and spiritual energy healer, experienced international speaker, and ordained Reverend, who has produced 22 episodes of Metaphysics 101 for educational television. Dr. Jelusich has developed a powerfully transformational 18 level, Spiritual Healer’s Training for the Whole Human Being program, teaching students in Canada and the U.S. A core faculty member at the California Institute for Human Science, Dr. Jelusich teaches the following courses: Karma and Reincarnation, Spirituality and Consciousness, and Psychology of the Chakras (based on his books, Eye of the Lotus, and I Can Relate). To learn more about Dr. Jelusich and his work visit

Feeling Resistance to Change?By Minister Maryellen DeVineMin Maryellen DeVine

Haven’t you noticed lots of change happening lately?

It seems to me that so many of us are evolving. Feeling “What’s the next step?” or being drawn to some next step. That’s been true for me too. I’ve been working on a new program I’m offering, worked with a graphic artist to create the new banner for the Angelic Journeys website, and did a re-design of the site. That has been a very powerful and creative process.

These have all been exciting changes for me, yet change can make us uncomfortable sometimes. Sometimes we notice that we are resisting, or perhaps the change truly is a difficult one to go through. In the spirit of this, I thought I’d give you a sample Angelic EFT tapping script for dealing with change.

If you are unfamiliar with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), you can start by watching a short video to learn how to “tap”. (Click here to watch)

Here is a script of statements you can use to tap with on the subject of dealing with change. Before you start, let’s call our angels to us so that they can assist; filling the space with Love and Light and healing energy.

Think about and get in touch with the emotions around Change.

Set up statements (side of the hand):

Even though I’m resisting this change, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Even though I’m having a really hard time with this change, I accept myself anyway.

Even though I’m really anxious about this change, I’m open to feeling better about it, right now.

Top of head: This anxiety

Eyebrow: This change

Side of Eye: It’s causing anxiety

Cheekbone: I don’t like change

Under nose: It makes me feel anxious

Chin: I feel the anxiety in my body

Collarbone: I release the fear of change

Under arm: This fear really doesn’t serve me

Top of head: What if this change really is a good thing?

Eyebrow: But I don’t like change

Side of eye: I choose to release the fear around change

Cheekbone: It really doesn’t serve me

Under nose: This change might be leading me to something great

Chin: I am open to believing that this is true

Collarbone: I ask my angels to help me with this

Under arm: I choose to trust in the divine plan

Top of head: I release the anxiety and fear

Eyebrow: Those just muddle up my vision

Side of eye: I am open to clarity about this change

Cheekbone: I can trust that I’ll be divinely led to any action steps I need to take

Under nose: What if this is leading me to something wonderful?

Chin: I choose to release the fear now!

Collarbone: I am open to seeing the positives in this change

Under arm:   And in this positive mindset, I lift my vibration

Top of head: As I lift my vibration, I align with infinite possibilities

Eyebrow: There are so many possibilities available

Side of Eye: I am open to receiving goodness in my life

Cheekbone: I’m excited to see what the Divine has in store for me!

Under nose: I choose to trust

Chin: I am open to shifting to believing in a wonderful outcome

Collarbone: I choose that for myself now

Under arm:   And so it is! Thank you, Angels!

Take in a nice deep breath. How are you feeling now? Has the intensity gone down? Are you feeling more peaceful about it? If the intensity hasn’t gone down as much as you’d like, you can do the whole sequence again. Add in your own words to make it more specific to your own situation if you’d like.

Often when we do this process, we clear the emotion and it allows for another thought or feeling or memory to come up. It could be a memory of a time when a particular change was hard for you (often from childhood). Tap on that memory. You can make your statements something like: That time when I was ten and we moved; I hated moving; I had to leave all my friends; I hate change; it’s hard; I didn’t want to move; my parents made me; moving sucked!; change sucks!; etc, etc. Just keep tapping and keep “spewing” the words and feelings that are coming up for you.

It’s powerful stuff!

I’d love to hear from you on how the tapping worked for you!

Min. Maryellen DeVine

If you’re interested in Angelic EFT sessions with Maryellen, see her web page on Angelic EFT and email her at

Minister Maryellen De Vine

Angel Therapy Practitioner®


Choices… what are you choosing?Felecia with Butterfly's

By Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

These are very challenging times. Our choices create our reality and the level of challenges we face both individually and collectively.

This time in history will be one of those times future humans look back to and hopefully learn from. Our galaxy is currently being absorbed by the Milky Way galaxy (a higher vibration then ours) which is coinciding with the end of the Mayan calendar on Dec 21, 2012. There are also planetary alignments that are affecting us, assisting us on our journey and giving us every opportunity to clear the old and embrace the new.

If we can remain mindful of what is actually happening it will be easier to stay at our centers, as the witness. This allows us to be an observer, detached but still aware, instead of being in a state of reacting. Reacting allows our energies to sink lower, creating more challenges for us. The November election has been a timely opportunity for us to practice our mindfulness, detachment, and our ability to discern the truth. Those sinking into lower vibrations are using this time to trick, manipulate, and deceive others in order to hold on to their old beliefs and old ways. Its time to rely on ourselves for the truth, the truth that is uniquely ours, for this is both a personal journey and a planetary journey in an amazing time in history which we have all chosen to participate and grow in.

We have a plethora of choices, one of those being how we view and experience our reality. Examples:

Are you choosing to stay the witness and be in awe of the incredible opportunities for growth?

Are you choosing to dig your heels in and hang on to the old?

Are you choosing to be a victim?

Are you choosing to do nothing, not take responsibility for your own actions, and just bounce wherever creation takes you?

Are you choosing to stay the witness but sometimes loose your balance and temporarily fall into another reality until you can find your balance again?

Are you choosing love or hate?

Whatever we choose to experience isn’t good or bad, hard or easy. It is just our personal experience, our personal path in the evolution of our soul. Who and how we are in the creations is our choice and our responsibility. What are you choosing?

Sending love, light and blessings to all!

Rev. Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

Reverend Felecia Mulvany, currently UCM Vice President, Trustee and Associate Dean of the Seminary, was instrumental in the creation and accreditation of the UCM under graduate and graduate degree programs.

She teaches Reiki, color energy therapy, meditation, Past Life Regression, Soul Retrieval, a 13 month Advanced Master Healers Course and sponsors students for the ministry. She creates and performs custom ceremonies for many religions, Sunday services, spiritual retreats and home/office blessings and clearings.

Recognizing this is not a “one size fits all” planet, Reverend Mulvany is dedicated to helping others find their individual paths of enlightenment and feels that UCM, with its absence of dogma, is an essential spiritual community which fosters just that.


Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description

to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC) support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.


Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish)

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door.

Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door

Go to for more information and for full calendar of events

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills

Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM

See website for full yoga schedule

Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month


UCM Members

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM

Nov 19, Dec 17, 2012 & Jan 21, 2013

Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112

Dec 31, 2012* 4:00AM early morning of the last day of the year.

Sabbat – Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – Gather 6:30PM Cast 7PM

Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122

Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. Please bring an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air.

Dec 16, 2012 Yule/Winter Solstice

Jan 27, 2013 Candlemas Sun

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles

Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without.

Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

Journey to Sacred Mayan Sites

Nov 23 – Dec 2, 2012 – Creating a New Era as the Journey Continues

Dec 9 – 18, 2012 – Balancing the chakras as we birth a new Maya era

For more information visit

Reverend Eve Wilson

The Healer & Ascension Certification Course

Beginning January 2013 – Date to be announced

UCM Healer Practitioner Certification – 28 classes meet one weeknight 7 – 10 PM Eastern Standard Time every other week for 13 months.

Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Personal and Planetary Ascension, Much More.

Eve Wilson –

Non UCM Member Classes and Events

Contact us at 408.370.6519 or if you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events

Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List
 About UCM 

UCM was founded as a church in which members are encouraged to develop and exercise their spiritual powers. We discourage adherence to rigid dogmas and tenets, believing that each person must find and travel his/her own path in the Light, and that no single set of fixed rules is applicable to everyone in their spiritual quest.

From its earliest years, UCM has emphasized spiritual healing, prophecy and demonstrations of the continuity of life beyond the transition commonly called “death”. As we move closer to world unity and a new age of Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood, UCM is now placing greater attention upon training and developing the spiritual powers of its ministers to bring us into this new “Golden Age”.

UCM Educational       Programs  


UCM Ordained Minister Sponsored Program

  • Healer Practitioner Certification
  • Licentiate Minister Certification
  • Ordained Minister Certification

Healer Practitioners and Licentiate Ministers – administer and perform Divine healing, to give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages and instruction, and to teach the gospel of Christ and Universal Truth.

Ordained Ministers (Reverend) – perform all the duties of a licentiate minister, plus marriage ceremonies, christenings, baptism, funeral and memorial services.

Reverends may sponsor students for the ministry and may hold UCM Church Charters.

Accredited Degree Program

  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Doctor of Divinity

Accredited by Accrediting Commission International, Inc.

Registered with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, Religious Exemption #7472210

For more information visit

We welcome your articles.

Those of you who would like to contribute a short article on your particular ritual, experience, or idea that are sacred to your spiritual practice please email

When submitting your short article, please also give written permission for UCM to use your article along with any contact information and/or photograph you would like displayed with that article.

UCM Members

Classes and Events


Are you a member of UCM?

Would you like your classes and events posted in the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter?

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month.

Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description to

with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.




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$100 Prepaid – 3 months per class/event

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Universal Church of the Master

1361 S. Winchester Blvd. Suite 115

San Jose CA 95128


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Universal Church of the MasterIn service to humanity since 1908

Sacred Times Newsletter

October 10, 2012

Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.

Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Blvd Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128

 Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

October 2012

  Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

I love this time of the year!

Summer is not quite over, the weather is still nice all though a bit cooler in the morning and evening, and the leaves add color and freshness to the air. I know that does not make a whole lot of sense but to me the air is different. I associate it with the leaves turning, pumpkins out on porches, and the end of harvesting vegetables planted last spring. Plus since it is cooler, windows and doors are closed in the house and the smell of food being cooked permeates my home (when I cook!)

My aunt gave me a recipe for soup some time ago; it has barley, celery, carrots, hamburger, a base of tomato juice, along with allspice and some other seasonings that smell so good when it is cooking. Of course I serve garlic bread with it and my house smells like “home”.

I guess what I am trying to say is this time of the year is like home to me. Now it is time to get to work, school is back in session, summer vacation is over and it’s time to clear those cobwebs out of my mind and ego and get ready for the New Year. I need to clear away the old that is no longer of benefit to me and let Spirit bring in the new lessons that await me.

I was reminded recently to let go of what I wanted, and let Spirit take care of the situation, the outcome might be better than what I expected.

May your outcomes be better than you expected.

With Light and Love,



Ascension – Peace at the Core

by Eve Wilson

Rev Eve Wilson Oct 2012

There is peace at the core of chaos. Where you see the world struggling during this time of great change, where it seems as though everything might be falling apart; the good news is that it is under reconstruction. The process is called ascension and at the core of all the change is emerging a new world that is permeated with God Consciousness and a deeper unity than we have known.

It is true that the world as we know it is crumbling around us. This is happening physically on the planet, socially, financially and politically in the human world and within our own bodies and souls. The force which is instigating this change is the power of love and truth at the core of all of life. The time has come for the birthing of that love and truth. As it emerges, the old world energies begin to disintegrate, making room for the new experience.

As humans living during this transition we need to let go of that which is passing away and orient toward the peaceful core of truth which is being born within yourself and within all of life, otherwise it can be a painful and fearful time. I can perceive this new world which is emerging with my spiritual senses. I don’t see all the forms yet, but I feel its sweet, clear loving energy growing stronger as time goes by. My intuitive perception tells me that most of the big changes will be finished in about 15 years and things will be really good by then.   By 20 years from now things will be amazingly new and good.   In the intervening years we will experience the death and rebirth process required to instigate these changes which have been already in process for some time. These changes are about 70% gentler than most predictions have foreseen due to active participation by so many people in raising God Consciousness on earth. Focus on the rebirth that is happening to enjoy these changes and find peace at the core of the chaos they bring.

Click here to read more 

Rev. Eve Wilson has been a Healer and trainer of Healers since 1986. Her trainings are available in person in Ann Arbor, MI and by live skype or phone connection as well. Courses include the Healer Development 101 and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course for UCM Healer Practitioner. She does healing for individuals, couples, children, families, pets and the personal, planetary and cosmic ascension process. Visit for The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog, healing and inspirational articles and information, email or phone 734-780-7635

How I Came to Vigiling

by Min. Karen LaneMin Karen Lane

I am a vigiler; I sit with the dying and support their families.

Death was always something I tried to avoid, and did so successfully until my mom passed in Dec. of 2010. Our relationship was always pretty good, with the usual lack of respect sometimes on my part and a few misunderstandings. When she moved to California upon the death of my stepfather, we grew closer. She helped me raise my sons and we shared many close moments. I had no idea that my mom would become my spiritual teacher and mentor when she passed from this world to the next.

When she was 90, a year before her death, she started to talk about it and yearn for it. She said many times she was ready to go. I don’t think I really got it; I just always thought she’d be there. Finally, about 4 weeks before her death she had a bad fall, breaking her sacrum. She went into the Care Center at the Meadows where she lived and never returned to her apartment again. She refused physical therapy, became agitated then depressed. She spiked a fever one night and was sent to the ER for a battery of tests. Of course there were no answers. A very kind doctor said to me, “Karen, she’s dying.” My mom and I talked and decided on hospice. She seemed very relieved. It was a huge reality check for me. We didn’t have much time, so we said the things we needed to say to each other, how much we loved each other, seeing her parents on the other side, and forgave things. My sons and daughter-in-law spent precious moments with her.   The drugs began and she passed in 6 days.

My journey with my mom those 6 days and the next year were a life altering experience for me. It was what brought me to vigiling. I have my mother to thank for teaching me about dying and the happiness awaiting us all on the other side. What a beautiful gift she’s given and I want to share it with others!

 Click here to read more

Minister Karen Lane is a hairstylist, and a part time instructor at SJCC as well as a volunteer. You may contact her for more information and for vigiling and advocacy for your family or friends at tespiral@aol.comor 408 204 8945. She is currently working on her reverendship and developing a training called Care of the Dying for Clergy.

Love Heart Rainbow 


 By Judith Küsel

There is immense love in everything and even just in being alive.

When one truly opens oneself to the immense possibilities of life and love itself, then miracles happen.

So many people associate love or the state of being in love, with having a partner or then having someone to love and adore and who loves and adores one in return.

Yes, that is one single strand in the immensity of love.  Love has multiple strands, indeed thousands of them – more than you can even comprehend – for love itself has a thousand faces.

When we focus so much on just experiencing the ONE kind of love, we are short-selling ourselves on so many aspects and nuances of love itself.

For deep down, at soul level, we are connected to the vaster cosmic sea, and there-in lies the endless possibilities of exploring, expressing and experiencing the multiple strands of love and higher loving.

When we allow ourselves to truly open up to the endless being in love state, on a higher collective scale, we find that there is love everywhere….

When we connect to animals, we find this love.  It is in the eyes of love and devotion in a pet… It is in the beautiful blossoming of flowers, the abundance of nature…. it is in the caress of wind on our faces… it is in the surf playing with our feet…. it is in the very air we breathe in… the food we digest… it is in everything we encounter….

When we consciously seek to send love to all and everything and love is returned to us in million of ways.

It is wise sometimes, to just get quiet, and then consciously beam love to all those lost souls on this planet – the ones whose daily lives are one of hunger and despair.  It is wise to consciously beam love, into the war zones, into the places of upheavals and strive…

You can extend that by zoning into your own area and then encircling that in love.

Click here to read more

Judith Kusel fr Africa

Judith Küsel has been Librarian most of her life – when about four years ago, during an immense dark night of the soul, she asked herself why she had been born in Africa.

After receiving a vision, and being stood at the edge of a cliff and shown the whole world waiting for her, and asked how long is she going to wait to here to take the plunge and assist the planet. She was shown how an eagle learnt to fly – by its mother throwing it out of the rest.

Since then she has been on the most amazing journey of her life – and inner and outer one and she has shared her profound mystical insights and teachings with people all over the world, on her Facebook and her

Her profound interest in the soul and how the soul was created and what it consists of has led her to remember how to read people’s soul records and she does soul readings, to reconnect people to their own souls and their true higher calling in life. In this way she assists the higher healing and activation of the soul and collective higher healing of mankind.

She is in the process of writing books about her experiences and is sharing amazing sacred information, which is now being returned to the planet and which has been held in custody for mankind in the sacred portals of South-Eastern Africa. Her soul is called upon to bring these higher sacred teachings back to mankind.  Her writings, teachings, insights, wisdom and soul readings have helped and inspired and healed people from all over the world.

Classes and Events

The Sacred Times is published around the middle of each month. Class/event submissions must be received by the 5th of the month to be posted in that months newsletter and will remain in the newsletter until the class/event date has expired. Please submit a brief class description to with date, time and cost along with contact information and links for more information.

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations – Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30AM

Parents of Murdered Children, Inc. (POMC) support group meets the second Monday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30PM For more information please or call 1-831-426-0874.

World Peace Meditation Oct 22 from 7:30 to 9:00PM


Lideres en Accion – Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00PM (in Spanish)

Reiki Circle – Wednesdays from 3:00 to 5:00PM

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door.

Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door

Go to for more information and for full calendar of events

CCL Fundraisers

Jewelry Party – Fri Nov. 2, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00PM

CCL Choir Concert – Sat Nov. 10, 2012 from 7:00 to 9:00PM

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills

Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga – Mondays 6PM & 7:15PM

See website for full yoga schedule

Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month


UCM Members

Reverend Jane Unland

New Blog “Glutenfree Sleuth”

Please check out my new blog where I share my discoveries and stories about my 14 year journey as a gluten intolerant with Celiac Disease. So many of my days have been sabotaged along the way by hidden gluten that I wanted to share my hard won knowledge in the hope that other gluten intolerants could be spared some of the same pain and discomfort.

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation – 7:30-9:00PM

Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 10, 2012 & Jan 21, 2013

Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Cir # C San Jose, CA 95112

Dec 31, 2012* 4:00AM early morning of the last day of the year.

Sabbat – Women’s Spirituality Celebrations – Gather 6:30PM Cast 7PM

Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122

Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. Please bring an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air.

Oct 28, 2012 Hallowmas/Samhain

Dec 16, 2012 Yule/Winter Solstice

Jan 27, 2013 Candlemas Sun

Goddess Spirituality Retreat

Oct 12-14, 2012 – A time for rejuvenation, remembering and connecting with the Divine Feminine. The retreat includes Sacred Ceremony, Meditation, Movement, Yoga, Healing Ritual, Hiking, Chanting, Drumming, Labyrinth, Sisterhood, Self-care and much more. $200- $250 sliding scale Includes food, lodging, and ceremonies (408) 289-9188,,

Student Elizabeth E Barton

“Walking the Veil” Goddess Retreat

October 26-28, 2012

Location: Salamander Camp – 10 minutes outside of Los Gatos CA in the Santa the Cruz mountains. Price $350 – Includes three days and two nights lodging and all your meals. On site is Chef Dasha Bogdanova specializing in Organic and Gluten free meals. Credit Cards accepted, and Paypal available or send checks to 2555 Flores # 300, San Mateo, CA 94403. Call (650) 572-8850 to register and for more information!

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles

Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without.

Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.


Oct 10 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free)

Nov 8 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free)

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

Journey to Sacred Mayan Sites

Nov 23 – Dec 2, 2012 – Creating a New Era as the Journey Continues

Dec 9 – 18, 2012 – Balancing the chakras as we birth a new Maya era

For more information visit

Reverend Suzanne Angèli

Oct 12-14, 2012 Speaking and healing at the Sacred Triad Weekend Gathering Mott Community College – Lapeer, 550 Lake Drive, Lapeer MI 48446.

Reverend Eve Wilson

The Healer & Ascension Certification Course

Beginning January 2013 – Date to be announced

UCM Healer Practitioner Certification – 28 classes meet one weeknight 7 – 10 PM Eastern Standard Time every other week for 13 months.

Unconditionally loving spiritual connections, clear boundaries, safe and effective healing of body, emotion, mind and spirit for adults, children, pets, the planet. Aura/Chakra Reading, Clearing, Repair, Etheric Surgeons, Soul Contracts, DNA/Heredity, Past Lives, Personal and Planetary Ascension, Much More.

Eve Wilson –

Sacred Times

September 14, 2012
    Sacred Times
                                                       Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
 Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Blvd Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128

 Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark, D.D.

  Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

Here are the pictures of our new office space. The courtyard view is from our door, followed by our main entry area and my office. There are still a few boxes to unpack, but most of the work is done!

outside 9-12-12

Again my thanks to all of you who helped with the move, we could not have done it without you.

With this move we certainly have had unexpected challenges, no internet for three weeks, rearranging Corky’s desk area, and putting items away and not being able to find them again, (we did not mark the box or drawer properly). I am sure none of that has ever happened to any of you.

inside 9-12-12

Moving brings about change; changes in our routines, changes about how we feel about what we are doing, and a different perspective on everything, even if it is a slight one. What was important may no longer be at the top of the list so to speak.

I am feeling change in part because of the office move, however I also am feeling change in the air on my walk in the morning, the air is just a bit cooler, there are some geese (30 or so) heading towards warmer weather that have made a rest stop in the park across the street from where I live. It’s September, school has started, leaves are turning colors, and yes football season has begun. Change is here.

sandy 9-12-12

May the changes in your life be welcome, enabling you to let the Light in your heart shine even brighter to those you come in contact with.



Fall Miracle 

By Reverend Jane Elizabeth Unland, D.D.

Across the street, lemon-yellow leaves pop against black-green redwood fronds.

A gentle breeze stirs the gold-oranges, the orange-reds, the lingering stubborn greens on our walnut tree.

Colour, Colour, Color…everywhere.

Variegated complex, stunning beauty.

The last brilliant gasp of vibrant life.

Are people Fall too?

Do we dance our most showy dance only after a lifetime of ho-hum moments?

The golden years, the empty nest, retirement!

Fierce magnificent knowledge…perhaps wisdom.


We dance knowing complexity is beauty, the multitude of colours:

every raucous moment freed in laughter

every pain in a Living body

every unexpected twist in life plans

every apparently Not too heavy burden

every wineglass clink of celebration

Complex lifetime colours.

Fall is hope of late life’s understanding.

We twirl in the center of glorious Colours.

We bask in completed seasons.

We Are Fall Colours!





Rev Pamela McHenry

Love is more than tolerance – Love is deep humility

By Reverend Pamela McHenry

Love is more than tolerance – Love is deep humility. Part of growing is appreciating others for who they are, even if they do not appreciate you. Even if people do themselves and others harm consciously or unconsciously, we need to be careful to not get caught up in their drama.

We all need to learn what love really is and no sense getting snarled up in our own or others’ personality egos. That is a trap and can only set us back. Best to continue to pray for guidance, stay centered and see others in Love and Light.

We all need to work on letting go of false beliefs and distorted thinking and get into our individuality ego. This is part of our earthly experience. This is all about aligning ourselves with God’s love so we can continue being in the stream of life, the connection that we all need and seek.

We can’t blame others for falling short of this knowing, we are all learning to know this. Patience, love and humility. Tolerance is the pain of not yet being in the flow of Deep Humility which is God’s love. We can all work on tolerance and know the gift of tolerance is deep humility.

Pamela McHenry is an ordained minister at U.C.M. Pamela has been a student of metaphysics for 30 years and her passion is being on the spiritual path. Pamela offers spiritual counseling and is a practicing astrologer. For several years she had a syndicated column writing for NBC. While employed as a research associate at California Medical Center in San Francisco, Pamela co-authored four papers that were published in mainstream medical journals on integrative medicine. Another passion Pamela has is helping people look younger longer with her anti-aging business.

Pamela McHenry, cell (415)640-5868, email


Classes and Events

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations

Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30am

September 16, 2012 Rosh HaShanah (ראש השנה) is the Jewish New Year. Join us as we learn more about this holiday and what it means to the Jewish people. Rev. Anne Corbin and other members of the CCL congregation will be helping Rev. Doti with the music and ritual of this occasion.

September 23, 2012 Finding Faith in Ghana, Emily & Akim will be talking about spirituality and the kids in Ghana.


Every Wednesday, 6:00 to 9:00, Lideres en Accion (in Spanish)

Doti’s Thursday Night Classes

Time: 7:00 to 9:00pm Please enter through the back door.

Price: $15.00 for one class, $25 for both, pay at the door

(both classes provide credit toward Ministerial Training)

September 6 – Get in Touch With Your Spirit Guides

Rev. Doti has channeled her spirit guide, Mahalaleel (MAH), for 68 years! This evening you will get to meet him and hear what he has to say about upcoming earth changes and other questions you may have.

September 20 -How to Get in Touch With Past Lives

Find out about your past lives and how knowing about the past can help you in the present

Go to for more information and for calendar of events

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills

Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga: Mondays 6PM & 7:15Pm

See website for full yoga schedule

Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month


UCM Members

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation 


Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 10 and a special Dec 31, 2012 at 4:00 AM early morning of the last day of the year.

Come join the community as we gather to pray and meditate for peace in the world, communities, neighborhoods and personal lives.

Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Circle Suite C. San Jose. Sanctuary entrance and parking in the back of building.


Women’s Spirituality Celebrations

Gather 6:30PM Cast 7PM

Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122

Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. Please bring an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air.

Sept 29 Mabon/Fall Equinox

Oct 28 Hallowmas/Samhain

Dec16 Yule/Winter Solstice

Jan 27, 013 Candlemas Sun

Goddess Spirituality Retreat

Oct 12-14, 2012

A time for rejuvenation, remembering and connecting with the Divine Feminine. The retreat includes Sacred Ceremony, Meditation, Movement, Yoga, Healing Ritual, Hiking, Chanting, Drumming, Labyrinth, Sisterhood, Self-care and much more.

$200- $250 sliding scale

Includes food, lodging, and ceremonies


Student Elizabeth Barton

“Walking the Veil” Goddess Retreat – October 26-28, 2012

Location: Salamander Camp – 10 minutes outside of Los Gatos CA in the Santa the Cruz mountains.

Price $350 – Includes three days and two nights lodging and all your meals. On site is Chef Dasha Bogdanova specializing in Organic and Gluten free meals.

Credit Cards accepted, and Paypal available or send checks to 2555 Flores # 300, San Mateo, CA 94403. Call (650) 572-8850 to register or for more

Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles

Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without.

Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar of events visit

Enrich your life with the Goddess in this 3 part workshop

Dates: Saturdays, 9/22, 10/20, 10/17, 2012

Time: 9:30 to 1PM

Fee: $297 / $397 with private 75 min session

Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.


Sept 25 – Level 2 of CHAKRA Series

Oct 10 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free)

Nov 8 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to

Journey to Sacred Mayan Sites

November 23 – December 2

Creating a New Era as the Journey Continues

December 9 – 18
Balancing the chakras as we birth a new Maya era

For more information visit
Non UCM Member Classes and Events

Contact us at 408.370.6519 or if you are not a member of UCM and would like to advertise your classes and events

Quick Links

 About UCM 

UCM was founded as a church in which members are encouraged to develop and exercise their spiritual powers. We discourage adherence to rigid dogmas and tenets, believing that each person must find and travel his/her own path in the Light, and that no single set of fixed rules is applicable to everyone in their spiritual quest.

From its earliest years, UCM has emphasized spiritual healing, prophecy and demonstrations of the continuity of life beyond the transition commonly called “death”. As we move closer to world unity and a new age of Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood, UCM is now placing greater attention upon training and developing the spiritual powers of its ministers to bring us into this new “Golden Age”.

UCM Educational       Programs  


UCM Ordained Minister Sponsored Program

  • Healer Practitioner Certification
  • Licentiate Minister Certification
  • Ordained Minister Certification

Healer Practitioners and Licentiate Ministers – administer and perform Divine healing, to give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages and instruction, and to teach the gospel of Christ and Universal Truth.

Ordained Ministers (Reverend) – perform all the duties of a licentiate minister, plus marriage ceremonies, christenings, baptism, funeral and memorial services.

Reverends may sponsor students for the ministry and may hold UCM Church Charters.

Accredited Degree Program

  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Doctor of Divinity

Accredited by Accrediting Commission International, Inc.

Registered with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, Religious Exemption #7472210

For more information visit

We welcome your articles.

Those of you who would like to contribute a short article on your particular ritual, experience, or idea that are sacred to your spiritual practice please email

When submitting your short article, please also give written permission for UCM to use your article along with any contact information and/or photograph you would like displayed with that article.

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Classes and Events


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Would you like your classes and events posted in the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter?

Email class and event information to




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Sacred Times 

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$100 Prepaid – 3 months per class/event

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Universal Church of the Master

1361 S. Winchester Blvd. Suite 115

San Jose CA 95128


Universal Church of the MasterIn service to humanity since 1908

Sacred Times

August 17, 2012
           Sacred Times
                                                       Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D.
 Universal Church of the Master
1361 S Winchester Suite 115, San Jose CA 95128

 Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark

  Rev Sandy Clark Final 8 14 2012

I do not know about any of you, but the energy in our world today for me has been anything but smooth!

I hate to admit that the other day trying to get to the office early; I was behind a car for a red light. No problem, it was a long light, at least it felt that way to me, and after a short time I noticed the driver in the car ahead of me start to reach for something on the floor of the passenger seat. Now the light turns green, this person is not paying attention and holding up the line to proceed through the intersection. As soon as I realized what was happening I laid my hand on the horn of my car so fast I startled myself. I cannot remember the last time I used the car horn. I was so surprised at my swift reaction that it took my breath away. Talk about getting hit on the head with a two by four.

With our office move my regular routine has been challenged. Things are not in the places they were before, and we decided we had room for bookcases and books that we had not originally believed we would have space for. Those bookcases are in the process of being moved in today. Then there are the boxes of books to bring in and unpack.

I had really expected we would be organized and back up to speed so to speak by now, that is not the case. As with the move here at the office, I find my personal life in a bit of a whirl, and in looking around me, it appears so are many of you. When I am finding myself feeling a bit stressed, I am taking a deep breath, exhaling the feelings of frustration and anger and taking another breath filled with Love and Light, continuing to do that until my body feels relaxed and I am able to work again. Today there have been four things requiring my time and attention at the same time. None of them are two minute projects. I have been taking a lot of deep breaths.

Many of you have heard me say, no matter what, the sun will still come up in the morning, regarding frustrations we may have about how something is coming along or something we have done that did not go well or as expected. I truly believe that we did the best we could at the time, over a given situation. This does not take into consideration hind sight. We can only work with the information we have at the time, that is where the lesson comes from. We learn from our experience, how to either do it better, or not to do it again.

Our world is filled with fear at the moment; my commitment is to bring Light into the darkness even if it is one breath at a time. Sometimes Sprit has to remind me I need to be breathing more.

My plan for the next issue is to have pictures of the organized office! Let’s see what spirit has in mind.

I want you to know we now have an editor for our UCM on-line magazine. Reverend Mary Garry, our newest Trustee has volunteered to assume this responsibility. Mary will need the same support that you all gave to our previous editor, Reverend Angela DeBry. Angela is helping to bring Mary up to speed and they hope to have the transitional issue magazine out soon.

With Light and Love,




By David Wagoner (1999)

Courtesy of Core Wisdom®


Stand still.

The trees ahead and bushes beside you are not lost.

Wherever you are is called “Here,”
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.

The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying “Here.”
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or a bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost.

Stand still.

The forest knows where you are.

You must let it find you.

Lotus Flower    


Balance Through the Goddess

By Mary Byrns

I give up!

That’s what I told myself when I found I could not be part of a commemoration of the temple of Murugan, during our contracted stay in Singapore. Back in 2009, there was an e-mail informing certain followers of Siva Baba (to whom I was introduced and learning certain principles from), that the temple, which underwent renovation December of 2009, would be consecrated on the 17th of January, 2010. I asked a friend the day before the grand opening if she would be attending and she said no, but she advised me to go early.

I was on time, but I found after I made my way through crowds and overpasses that I wasn’t allowed to go in. One had to have a special pass or invitation to get past the guards.   Many people parked themselves on the road overpass, at the gas station across the street from the temple, on the grassy road dividers separating roads, just to hear the ceremony reverberating through loudspeakers, which was spoken in Tamil, the local language of the South Indian community here in Singapore.

I took pictures and walked back to the car, wondering why the Siva Baba organizers did not tell us a special invite was needed. I went over the e-mail in my mind and understood that the message did not specifically say that the faithful were invited to come to the gathering. It was merely an informative message telling Baba’s followers what was happening relevant to Baba’s visit here in Singapore and that the temple’s renovation was done and would be opening today.

As I walked back to my parking space, I saw an Indian man in a bright pink shirt with an invite peeking out through his shirt pocket. I was jealous and upset about being misled. Or so I thought.

I decided to accept what appeared to be a blocked experience of the Murugan temple for me and silently in my mind, sent an affirmation of blessing and release to those who had sent the informative e-mail and to those who were holding the temple consecration.

Little did I know that the next day held its own balance.

A month earlier, during another temple meditation, I had experienced a vision of the dancing form of Lord Siva, in his aspect of Creator. After the meditation was over, I left the lecture early and found a gentleman putting his shoes on outside the temple. I breezily said to him, “Oh you’re leaving early too, are you?” Curious about the necklace I had seen him and many other devotees wearing, I asked about them. He immediately gave me a mini-lecture on the history and meaning of the beads and offered to purchase me one. I was a bit taken aback as I had not experienced this before, but I agreed, although tentatively.

Rav also revealed to me he was the Vice President of a Siva temple!

I told myself to give thanks to Lord Siva when I got home as I was experiencing a miracle. I had always prayed the “Om Namaha Sivai” mantra, but I had never expected Lord Siva to personally intercede for me.

Nonetheless, Rav came back from a pilgrimage to the Palani Temple in Southern India which he told me was a Murugan temple.

I actually phoned him and put in a request for a clear crystal necklace, which I had been told was the type of necklace I needed to help me with my writing. Lord Siva answered that request with a new, faceted quartz crystal set of beads, specifically made and sold, at the site of a Murugan Temple in India itself, Rav told me!

Rav then phoned me and invited me to the temple he helped to manage, which he later explained, was the temple of the mother of Lord Murugan!

I had to laugh because although I am learning about the mantras and slowly, slowly, am coming to understand who’s who in the Hindu panoply of gods, I have been a devotee of the Goddess energy and here she was again. It wasn’t Lord Murugan who was to give me the blessing; it was his Divine Mother, herself! Once again, the Goddess revealed herself to me!

I do not know why I feel compelled towards Lord Murugan. He is the God of “Everything” as one temple devotee explained to me when I asked. He carries a vel, an instrument which resembles a trident, and he rides a peacock and is also accompanied by a rooster, who drives away his enemies. Murugan is able to help one judge fairly and well and his aim is to win through litigation and court cases.

So despite having been blocked at the temple of Lord Murugan, I found myself at his mother’s temple, Sri Ratha Kaliaman, where my crystal beads were consecrated around the statue of Lord Murugan himself! There at the temple, I was taught to pray to Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, after telling him what I wanted. Then I was offered the fire offering after it was offered to statues of Lord Murugan and his mother. I placed my hands around its flames and brought my hands symbolically around my crown and head, to transmit the purification of fire and spiritual light.

Kum-kum (a red holy powder) and vibutthi (holy ash made from cow dung) were then offered to me, as well as holy water, all of which I took in my right hand, applying with my left ring finger to my ajna or third eye.   I had to drink the holy water from my cupped palm.

Although flashes of questionable hygiene ran through my mind, I chose to trust and allow. I was also in a state of wonder, since the day before I couldn’t even SEE, much less, ENTER, the actual temple of Lord Murugan, and here I was, standing before his statue and his mother’s altar and statue, claiming a blessing from him transmitted through my crystal necklace!

I realized then that my state of neutrality was real and that I wasn’t angry. I had been worried into thinking that others thought less of me, that others judged me as an angry person, but really, I wasn’t. I was confused and ignorant of the doings of the temple and the ritual of consecration, but in the end, found out that although I wanted to experience a blessing from Lord Murugan at the temple consecration, I was actually receiving a LIVE and PERSONAL blessing through my new friend Rav, whom I had been personally guided to by Lord Siva in a vision.

And so, I ended up in a state of grace, appreciation and divine gratitude. I was in a state of awe at the doings of universal synchronicity and marveling at the methods I arrived at. It was not to come through Lord Murugan, but through his Mother, through his Divine Mother herself, who was to bring me the blessing.

On a last note, Rav told me the reason there were crowds of people at the previous day’s consecration, despite the privileged few who had been invited and allowed in. The crowds were waiting for the blessed water which had been distributed through those in line. He then pulled out a container of the water one of his colleagues had brought him from the temple, and offered me a sip of the holy liquid!

Once again, the Goddess revealed herself to me, going through the channels of Lord Siva, her son Murugan and the human channel of her devotee, Rav, my new friend. She gave me the most precious of earthly offerings, the gift of water, a liquid only the goddess knows how to give, a liquid planet earth is made up of, in large percentages, a liquid our human bodies are made up of, which keeps us, I believe, in a youthful state and also keeps fluidity and flexibility in our psyches. I accepted those gifts and understandings humbly and with grace, grateful to have such a unique experience and interaction with the Mother energy and her followers.

From art to healing, to bird-raising, go ahead and explore. In the end, you may be comforted by my Northern Indian friend who speaks Malaya-Alaam, who in her words when I asked her if she believed in the god Murugan, said, “No, I’ve heard of him. But I don’t believe in praying to that god or this god. I believe in praying to the Universal God, the God of Light and Consciousness. This is what they teach at my ashram. This is what I know. This is what I believe in.”

Another friend of mine who worships at another kind of temple, a Punjabi one , whose God is a name I am unfamiliar with, told me she goes to that specific temple, offering sugar, oil and salt while requesting divine interventions for her health and her problems with her children. She also went to the Novena church, a Catholic church whose attached school she had gone to as a child – so it was with a mixed background she had gone to ask for divine help. Familiarity and the offering of blessings for her body and her family were her measuring rods.

Mine were familiarity with Divine Mother and my understanding of what methods she uses to heal the body and the spirit. She is the starting point of God for me, and that gives me a broader vision of what is holy and kind in life.

Ultimately, whatever is a grander, broader, more cosmic view of God may simplify your days so that you don’t have to bother with honoring this special hour because it’s this planet’s special province and that planet corresponds with this God, who if you pray to him or her, will grant you boons, protection or rewards.

Whatever works for you, works for you. For those of us whose priority is working at a job, because the grand million dollar windfall just won’t come, it just might be easier to go with a sincere heart and mind, and pray each time you are anxious, worried or feeling incomplete, and ask for the God of Light to bring you comfort, joy, ease. here is peace in that. And where there’s peace, there will be harmony. Now that makes me feel better, more hopeful and less inclined to give up!

Mary holds and M.A. in counseling. She currently resides in Korea and is a counselor, writer and teacher. She studied at Solar Cross, “A New Beginning”, and has written for Alchemy Magazine. Her interests are spiritual, health, wellness and fitness.

Classes and Events

UCM Church Charters

Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations

Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30am


Every Wednesday, 6:00 to 9:00, Lideres en Accion (in Spanish)

Go to for more information and for calendar of events

Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills

Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling

Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work

Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga: Mondays 6PM & 7:15Pm

See website for full yoga schedule

Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month


UCM Members

Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation 


Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 10 and a special Dec 31, 2012 at 4:00 AM early morning of the last day of the year.

Come join the community as we gather to pray and meditate for peace in the world, communities, neighborhoods and personal lives.

Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Circle Suite C. San Jose. Sanctuary entrance and parking in the back of building.


Women’s Spirituality Celebrations

Gather 6:30PM Cast 7PM

Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122

Cost: $20 Our Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio. Please bring an open heart, snack to share after the ceremony, rattle or drum (optional), shawl for over your shoulders in the cool night air.

Sept 29 Mabon/Fall Equinox

Oct 28 Hallowmas/Samhain

Dec16 Yule/Winter Solstice

Jan 27, 013 Candlemas Sun

Goddess Spirituality Retreat

Oct 12-14, 2012

A time for rejuvenation, remembering and connecting with the Divine Feminine. The retreat includes Sacred Ceremony, Meditation, Movement, Yoga, Healing Ritual, Hiking, Chanting, Drumming, Labyrinth, Sisterhood, Self-care and much more.

$200- $250 sliding scale

Includes food, lodging, and ceremonies


Minister Joy Reichard

Monthly In Her Name Goddess Circles

Reclaim the Divine Feminine both within and without.

Circle is held in San Mateo, California. For more information and calendar of events visit

Reverend Kala Ambrose

Exploring Your Akashic Records, Past Lives and What the Future Holds For You

August 16, 23 and 30, 2012

Three-week Live Video Webinar Series with Kala and Sandy who will answer your questions in real time.

For more information and to register go to

To learn more about Kala and all of her offerings please visit


Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.


Aug 16 – Intuition, Children and Family

Sept 4 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free)

Sept 6 – Equinox Energies

Sept 25 – Level 2 of CHAKRA Series

Oct 10 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free)

Nov 8 – Maya Path to 2012 with Miguel Angel (Free

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to –

Journey to Sacred Mayan Sites

November 23 – December 2

Creating a New Era as the Journey Continues

December 9 – 18
Balancing the chakras as we birth a new Maya era

For more information visit

Quick Links

 About UCM UCM was founded as a church in which members are encouraged to develop and exercise their spiritual powers. We discourage adherence to rigid dogmas and tenets, believing that each person must find and travel his/her own path in the Light, and that no single set of fixed rules is applicable to everyone in their spiritual quest.

From its earliest years, UCM has emphasized spiritual healing, prophecy and demonstrations of the continuity of life beyond the transition commonly called “death”. As we move closer to world unity and a new age of Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood, UCM is now placing greater attention upon training and developing the spiritual powers of its ministers to bring us into this new “Golden Age”.

UCM Educational       Programs  


UCM Ordained Minister Sponsored Program

  • Healer Practitioner Certification
  • Licentiate Minister Certification
  • Ordained Minister Certification

Healer Practitioners and Licentiate Ministers – administer and perform Divine healing, to give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages and instruction, and to teach the gospel of Christ and Universal Truth.

Ordained Ministers (Reverend) – perform all the duties of a licentiate minister, plus marriage ceremonies, christenings, baptism, funeral and memorial services.

Reverends may sponsor students for the ministry and may hold UCM Church Charters.

Accredited Degree Program

  • Associate of Theology
  • Bachelor of Theology
  • Master of Theology
  • Doctor of Divinity

Accredited by Accrediting Commission International, Inc.

Registered with the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, Religious Exemption #7472210

For more information visit

We welcome your articles.

Those of you who would like to contribute a short article on your particular ritual, experience, or idea that are sacred to your spiritual practice please email

When submitting your short article, please also give written permission for UCM to use your article along with any contact information and/or photograph you would like displayed with that article.

UCM Members

Classes and Events


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Would you like your classes and events posted in the UCM Sacred Times Newsletter?

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Universal Church of the Master

1361 S. Winchester Blvd. Suite 115

San Jose CA 95128


Universal Church of the MasterIn service to humanity since 1908

Sacred Times July 2012

July 17, 2012



           Sacred Times 


             Editor: Reverend Felecia Mulvany, D.D. 



 Presidents Message

 Reverend Sandy Clark




We have moved our office and have landed in our new location, with lots of boxes.


We thought we would share with you what my office looks like as this is being written, and hopefully by our next issue we can show you that all the boxes have been opened, the contents put away, and I have an office free of boxes along with pictures on the wall.




We had some incredible helpers move us last Saturday: I believe they might still be recovering!  Thank you to Corry, Ronnie, Brian, Joe, Zeke and Gregory. It was the hottest day we have had so far this summer and they worked a very long day.


Thanks also to those who helped pack boxes before we moved; David, Janet, Sandra, Jan, Steve and of course Felecia and Corky.


If you are in the area, please stop in and say hello.  If you are willing we will even let you unpack a box or two.


Our new address is:

1361 S Winchester Blvd. Suite 115

San Jose, CA 95128


Our telephone number remains the same, 408.370.6519.   We look forward to seeing you in our new location.  


With light and love,


Happy Summer Solstice!


If you are following the events that have recently transpired:

  • Annular Eclipse of the Moon and Alignment with Pleiadian Alcyone, central star

  • Venus Transit

  • Summer Solstice

  • For the 1st time in Egypt’s 7,000 year history a new president was confirmed as elected by the people there.

  • Global Mass Awakening – the Inner Transformation 

Would you like to join in this amazing global/cosmic transformation of consciousness and keep up with the rapidly changing events?

It’s easy.

  • Go within!

  • Avoid distractions and fascination.

  • Keep Inwardly Focused and Outwardly Flexible

  • Align Your Self to the Highest Principles

  • Increase Your Inner Connection

  • Hold your Physical/Spiritual Life in Balance

  • Recognize that Integration takes Time!

  • Hold Every Moment as Precious!

No matter how many words / technology / phenomena are hurled at you from without, you ALWAYS have a choice of how to react.


Choose wisely, be in control and in surrender of your spiritual and practical faculties. Surrender refers to your greatness, not to giving up!


It’s a great time to be here – celebrate your unique gifts to humanity and to Earth. Let the petals of your amazing flower fully unfold!


In Love and In Service,

Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.


Dr. Jelusich is an author, teacher, gifted intuitive and spiritual energy healer, experienced international speaker, and ordained Reverend, who has produced 22 episodes of Metaphysics 101 for educational television. Dr. Jelusich has developed a powerfully transformational 18 level, Spiritual Healer’s Training for the Whole Human Being program, teaching students in Canada and the U.S. A core faculty member at the California Institute for Human Science, Dr. Jelusich teaches the following courses: Karma and Reincarnation, Spirituality and Consciousness, and Psychology of the Chakras (based on his books, Eye of the Lotus, and I Can Relate. E-mail: Website:





Divine Patterns

By Dr. Ernest Homes


Today I seek the Divine Pattern at the center of my being.

Affirming its reality,

I permit its essence to flow through me.

Claiming it as my very own,

I embrace it.

Believing its peace,

I am calm.

Living in its love,

I am unified with life.

Believing in its power,

I accept its action in my everyday affairs.

And looking at the God in man,

I see in everyone the pattern of His perfection.

All I Need to Be Is ME!

By Minister Maryellen DeVine

A friend recently loaned me the book “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani. Anita’s story really touched me and confirmed some of the things that I have been feeling are really important. Anita is East Indian and was raised in the Hindu faith. Her family lived in Hong Kong while she was growing up and she attended Catholic schools. As you can imagine, she received quite a lot of differing, and often conflicting, messages and beliefs. Her Indian culture believed that to be a good girl and good wife (to the man the parents want her to marry) is to be submissive and obedient. She had a strong will and that didn’t blend very well with the expectations put on her. She also had the Catholic nuns sharing with her that she could go to hell if she didn’t attend Catholic church. She just didn’t feel she fit in anywhere; she didn’t comply with expectations very well; she spent many years feeling deep down that something must be wrong with her. She’d wonder why she couldn’t just be like everyone else. Why couldn’t she conform to what others wanted her to be and do?

In addition, as an adult, she watched two people very close to her suffer and die from cancer. She was very afraid of getting cancer and also of the treatment for it. She did get cancer and after four years of it, slipped into a coma and her organs started shutting down. She had a near death experience; watching from above everything that was happening. While she was in this state, she experienced amazing oneness and love and understandings. In this state she received a knowing that her beliefs and fears contributed to the manifestation of disease in her body. She realized that our Spirits are pure love and absolutely magnificent. She received the understanding that if she were to decide to go back into her body, but now living from a place of knowing that WHO SHE REALLY IS all she needs to be, that she would be healed. She did come back and to the surprise of the hospital staff, her cancer was gone.

She now shares with people the importance of being your Authentic Self; of not worrying about being the way you think others want you to be. Know that you are meant to be the person you came here to be. That “in this tapestry of life, we’re all connected. Each one of us is a gift to those around us, helping each other be who we are, weaving a perfect picture together.”

I have been feeling that we are being nudged by Spirit to live more authentically. You know, the best thing about each of us is our uniqueness. Wouldn’t it be horrible if everyone was a cookie-cutter version of each other? We all have our own brilliant Light to shine.

What can you do to take steps toward being more of your Authentic Self? You can start with small things. Perhaps you might wear a piece of clothing or accessory that reflects the real you. Perhaps you choose to join an African Dance or Belly Dance class instead of a Pilates class. Explore what those steps might be for you. I bet it will feel so good

As Cyndi Lauper sings, “I see your true colors shining through…And that’s why I love you.” You are indeed too FABULOUS to fit in!


Maryellen is an Angel Therapy Practitioner® certified by Doreen Virtue PhD, a Reiki Master, EFT practitioner, a licensed minister, and has studied many spiritual and healing modalities. Compassionate and Light-filled, she has a strong connection with the angels, Jesus (Jeshua), and to an ancient wisdom. Maryellen considers it an honor and a blessing to assist people in awakening to their spirituality, connecting with their angels and guides and their own inner wisdom, finding joy in their lives, and being empowered in their own transformation. To learn more about Maryellen and her services, please visit her website

Classes and Events


UCM Church Charters


Center for Creative Living, UCM #801, CA

Reverend Doti Boon

1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose CA 95112

(408) 392-9090,
Psychic Readings, Spiritual counseling, Memorials, Weddings, Baptisms, Retreats, Workshops, Metaphysical and Spiritual Training Classes

Sunday Celebrations

Every Sunday from 10:00-11:30am

July 22 – “Recognizing the Experience of Your Divine Self” with Laura Marshall

July 29 – “The Master’s Prayer for Manifestation” with Scout Bartlett

Peace Meditation with Rev. April Lussier

July 20th 7:30-9pm 

Go to for more information and for calendar of events


Every Wednesday, 6:00 to 9:00, Lideres en Accion (in Spanish)

July 18 & 25 – Yoga for Depression with Laura Marshall 10:00 to 11:30am, $15 for one or $25 for two

July 19, How to See, Read, and Interpret with Rev. Doti Boon 6:30 to 9:00, $20, Come early to sign up to have your aura read

July 22, 1:00 to 5:00 Transforming thru Angels, Guides, and Ancestors (TAGA) with Rev. Becca Thompson, $10 for Circle, $50 for Healing

July 26, 7:00 to 9:00, Using Graphology to analyze the lines and strokes in your handwriting with Rev. Corky $15

July 27, 9:00 to 4:00, Aides/HIV Retreat by Centre for Living with Dying. Free

July 29, 1:00 to 3:00, The Secret’s in your Mind with Scout Bartlett $25

August 01 & 08 -Yoga for Arthritis with Laura Marshall

10:00 to 11:30am, $15 for one or $25 for two


The Center for Infinite Growth – UCM#11, CA

Reverend’s Tom & Mary Garry

Summer Meeting Series: Working with the Energies

July 9th, 7:30 to 8:30 PM

Location: Lutheran Immanuel Church 11710 Moorpark Ave. San Jose, CA

The evenings will consist of Music, Movement, (Tai Chi), Mediation and Messages. Participating leaders will be Tom and the CIG Board.

There is no charge but we will have a donation basket


Chapel of Spiritual Fellowship, UCM #723, CO

Reverend Ronald Wills


Sunday Church Services at 10AM, Readings, Healings and Spiritual Counseling


Temple of Love and Healing, UCM #759, FL

Reverend Sarah Novak

3700 40th Ave. N, St. Petersburg FL 33714


Worship & Healing Services Sunday and Wednesday from 7:00 – 9:00PM, Monthly ESP Fiesta & Message Circles, Ceremonies & Seminars

Yoga: Mondays 6PM & 7:15Pm

See website for full yoga schedule

Metaphysical Forum: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays May through August 2012 from 7:00-8:30PM


Memorial Chapel, UCM #706, NY

Reverend Marlene Smith

178 Chapin Street, Binghamton NY 13905


Sunday Evening Services 6:30 PM, Healing Meditation and Message Work


Universal Church of the Master – Alberta, UCM #826, Canada

Reverend Kim Beckett

Church Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month




UCM Members


Reverend April Lussier

Monthly World Peace Meditation 

July 20th 7:30-9pm – co-ed event

Come join the community as we gather to pray and meditate for peace in the world, communities, neighborhoods and personal lives.

Location: Center for Creative Living, 1460 Koll Circle Suite C. San Jose.

Sanctuary entrance and parking in the back of building.

Lammas Sabbat

Aug 4, 2012 6:30 pm – Women only Event  

Come be blessed by the Goddess and Celebrate Gaia’s abundance and the power of the Queen’s Energies. We will make bread to honor the bounty of the first harvest and the blessing of the grains.   

Location: 895 Le Compte Pl San Jose 95122 

Cost: $20 Gatherings take place in an enclosed patio.

Goddess Spirituality Retreat

Oct 12-14, 2012

A time for rejuvenation, remembering and connecting with the Divine Feminine. The retreat includes Sacred Ceremony, Meditation, Movement, Yoga, Healing Ritual, Hiking, Chanting, Drumming, Labyrinth, Sisterhood, Self-care and much more.

$200- $250 sliding scale

Includes food, lodging, and ceremonies

(408) 289-9188,,


Reverend Becca Thompson

July 26 Transforming thru Angels, Guides, and Ancestors (TAGA)

6:30 to 9:30, $10 for Circle, $50 for Healing at Rev. Donna Zehner’s   Please contact: Rev Donna Zehner 408-309-4087 to reserve your space or schedule your groups healing session 


Rev. Jacquelyn Sendak Zavaleta

Join Reverend Jacquelyn in the Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara in a Public Offering

July 29th, 4:00pm – 5:30pm at Shakti Temple of Oakland

Suggested donation, $15 public, Vegetarian Potluck Dinner to follow

The Mandala Dance of the 21 Praises of Tara is a movement meditation.

It is a non-sectarian practice based on a traditional Tibetan text in which the Great Mother of wisdom and compassion, Tara, is praised in her 

21 aspects for the purpose of sending the blessings and healing of each of the qualities to all beings.

The full 3 day Mandala Dance retreat is July 27-29. Sliding Scale $108-$175 (scholarships upon request) includes sari rental and text. Contact Kerani Marie at (970) 946-6896, 510-562-6533 or to register or for more information or visit


Minister Joy Reichard

Freja, Norse Goddess of Beauty and Love

Friday, Aug. 10, 2012

7 to 9:30 PM 

$20 in advance, $25.00 at the door

Unitarian Universalist, 300 East Santa Inez,  

San Mateo, CA 94401    

For more information,,

Celebrate the Divine Feminine Lecture and Book Signing by Minister Joy Reichard

Sunday, Aug. 26, 3-4:30PM

Book Passages Inc. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera, CA 94925

You can read more about my book Reclaim Your Power with Ancient Goddess Wisdom at you are interested in Joy’s work with the Divine Feminine please visit  


Reverend Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.

Healers Training Classes and Webinars

Healer’s Training is an 18-Level, 2 year healing course and a journey that blends philosophy, technique and experiential healing into a beautiful unfolding of your own awareness.

Free Live Webinars – Maya Path to 2012

July 16, Aug 14, Sept 4, Oct 10, Nov 8

Reverend Richard Jelusich Ph.D. and Miguel Angel are offering free monthly webinars on the teaching about the unfolding of 2012.

Chakra Series Webinars

Lighted Pathway to Superconsciousness – Everything you wanted to know about the chakras. Come explore with us the universe of consciousness that is the chakras of the human being. For more information go to –

Maya Sacred Path to 2012

Journey to Sacred Mayan Sites

Reverend Richard Jelusich Ph.D. & Miguel Angel

November 23 – December 2

Creating a New Era as the Journey Continues

December 9 – 18
Balancing the Chakras as We Birth a New Maya Era

For more information visit 


Reverend Kala Ambrose, Maryland

Exploring Your Akashic Records, Past Lives and What the Future Holds For You

August 16, 23 and 30, 2012

Three-week Live Video Webinar Series with Kala and Sandy who will answer your questions in real time.

For more information and to register go to learn more about Kala and all of her offerings please visit 



Universal Church of the Master

In service to humanity since 1908