Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Summer 09 UCM Online Magazine

July 28, 2009

Follow UCM Online and into the 21st Century

Many American Indians speak of the fact that each generation is responsible for seven generations before them and seven generations behind them.  They teach that the decisions you make should be a positive impact honoring the ancestors and preparing the future. 

Last year Universal Church of the Master celebrated it’s first 100 years.  We did so by completing the Doctor of Divinity curriculum and accreditation of the UCM Theology Degree Program and coming together in a wonderful three-day conference including classes, a faire, and an unforgettable banquet.  This year we take what you asked of us and what you shared with us to move forward into the 21st century.  We are online and in cyberspace now!!!!!

Thanks to an angel, Reverend Kala Ambrose, of www.exploreyourspirit,com we now have a blog.  We have the opportunity to blog what our ministers and charters are doing.  You can go there right through our website and clicking on “Read Our Blog.”  We encourage you to add any products, services, classes, or trips that you are taking or offering to the blog.  You can do this yourself by going to the “Charter Chatter” section if it is regarding your charter or the “One Heart Many Paths” section for the individual minister and clicking on the “Comment” section.  If you aren’t sure and would like help, email your information to  Reverend DeBry will upload it for you.  She usually updates a couple of times a week.

The summer ’09 issue of the new online magazine is now available by clicking on the website:

Sign in and enjoy! This will be attached to the website within a few days.  You will be able to reach it simply by going to the website and clicking the magazine tab. 

We will be doing a combined Fall/Winter issue.  All articles must be submitted by August 25, 2009.  The articles should be approximately 900 words and should be sent via email to Each time you submit an article, please attach your bio and a picture. The deadline for the Spring issue is February 25, 2010. 

 For those of you who would like to sponsor our new magazine, the sponsorship costs are as follows: ¼ page will be $25.00, ½ page will be $50.00 and a full page will be $100.

To continue this amazing outreach we also now Twitter and Facebook.  You can find us on Twitter by searching for “ourucm” and “UCM Church” on Facebook.  Several times a week we update the Twitter and Facebook home pages with a spiritual message or quote.  Join us by sending your favorite quotes to   Twitter is limited to 140 characters so short is better.  We are developing an online community in small groups.  We now talk with England, Australia, Asia, and Canada.  Come play with us. 

Reverend Angela DeBry, H.H.D., D.D.

Website Updates

July 3, 2009

Have you visited our UCM website recently?

Reverends Angela DeBry and Kala Ambrose are in the process of connecting us throughout the Internet on Facebook and Twitter. We also now have a blog. Individual ministers can advertise classes, books and spiritual services  through the One Heart Many Paths section. Charters may advertise any events and or services through Charter Chatter. Please contact Reverend Angela DeBry at if you would like UCM to add your information to the blog or if you have questions on how to do it yourself. 

 Stay tuned there is much more to come!!!!!!!

We are part of the Associate Programs offered by both, and Barnes& This means when you enter either of these websites through ours, UCM receives a commission on your purchases. Should you need to leave either website before completing your purchase you need to again go through our web site for us to receive the commission.

Reverend Sandy Clark, President